Category: Weekly Updates

Week 7 Update 0

Week 7 Update

[dc]O[/dc]nce again folks, sorry that I wasn’t able to update the website last week. Between vacation and travel, I just plain didn’t get a chance.  I’m winging it this week since I wasn’t there.  I...

Week 5 Update 0

Week 5 Update

[dc]W[/dc]e are about 1/4th of the way through the 2011 GCCGL season.  The race for the Championship trophy is started to take shape.  First of all, let me say how proud the commissioner’s office...

Week 4 Update 0

Week 4 Update

[dc]V[/dc]ery sorry for the delayed posting.  I’ll try my best to not make it a habit this season. We had a great night weather-wise and another good turnout but it wasn’t a perfect turnout. ...

Week 3 Update 0

Week 3 Update

[dc]W[/dc]hat a difference a week makes! Great weather, perfect turnout, and MUCH better pace of play! Let’s give it up for the Portuguese mafia! We are teeing off right on time or even early which is...

Week 2 Update 0

Week 2 Update

[dc]W[/dc]ell, the GCCGL 2011 is officially on the way however it certainly didn’t go as planned. Let’s get to the good stuff first.  The weather was beautiful. We had perfect attendance once again! Everyone...

Wash Out 0

Wash Out

[dc]T[/dc]he good news is we had perfect attendance!  There were 20 of 20 golfers ready to tee it up.  The bad new is unfortunately the weather didn’t cooperate.  After a pretty nice day for most...