Week 3 Update

[dc]W[/dc]hat a difference a week makes! Great weather, perfect turnout, and MUCH better pace of play! Let’s give it up for the Portuguese mafia! We are teeing off right on time or even early which is great. The last group was starting to loose daylight but they finished and that’s the important thing. Thanks to the three subs who filled in and in some cases at the last minute (Paul Eaglin, Jennifer Dominik and Lindsay Maurer).

How do you break a putter? That is the question of the day. I was in the fourth group last Thursday and when we approached the 18th tee, we were all surprised to find a broken putter in the trash. We never thought in a million years it belonged to anyone in the GCCGL (we should have known better).  Well, we got a GCCGL exclusive this week.  Want to know how to break a putter?  Read on.

It happened on hole number 14….Cletus, Matt B. and Melissa were already up on the green near the left side.  Syndrome, was in the middle of a first class beat down by the hands of Cletus and I’m not saying one way or another, but there might…….MIGHT have been a little, tiny bit of drinking that had taken place up to this point. This is pure speculation and in no way does the GCCGL or any perceived affiliation with the GCCGL condone the consumption of alcoholic beverages while engaged in the act of  swinging a metal stick with a top-heavy piece of steel in an open area.  Anyway….Syndrome had just putted from the front of the green (after playing the hole from the other fairway then chipping over the green).  You get the picture here, things weren’t going too well.  Now, it was at this time that two low-flying geese were coming down the fairway right over Syndrome’s head. Here is where this story takes a unfortunate turn for the worse.  Apparently what was witnessed by the rest of the foursome was Syndrome cocking his arm to throw his putter……..BUT he pauses for a second.  This “pause” is proof positive that there were still a few neurons firing off in that brain desperately trying to alert the Parietal Lobe (that’s where Common Sense has been rumored to reside).  However, the electromagnetic impulses apparently drowned in a sea of Miller Lite and never made it.  He lets the putter fly…to every one’s amazement it looks like the putter is about to take out the lead goose at the neck….at the very last second the goose blanks severely to the left and lives to fly another day.  The foursome started searching for Syndrome’s putter about 50 yards toward #15 tee when Matt said “I found your putter….well just the head”…..the picture tells the rest of the story how Syndrome communicates with nature. Believe it or not, Shane Metz also broke an iron (5 iron)! Click on the pic for a larger view.


The big winners for this week were The Cletard Rollers who grabbed 23 points.  They were led by Danny “Snoodle” Roller and old man Cletus.  They combined for 16 of their team’s 23 points! Talk about carrying your team. The Heywood’s had their second straight winning week with 20.5 points. They were led by Ollie who took 7.5 points from Donnie Golf Game. Not only did Ollie school Don but he did it while combing his hair between holes. The last time I carried or even needed a comb, gas was .89 cents/gallon, Mike Tyson was heavyweight champion, Lionel Richie was popular, actor Will Smith was the Fresh Prince,  and ATARI was the state of the art video game system!

Low net winners were Paul Eaglin (A/B) and Jennifer Dominik (C/D) both with a low net 32! Nice rounds!  Congrats! Remember, if you need a sub, please contact one of the 30 subs waiting to play! Check out the new poll.

Big Mike served as our resident photographer yesterday and snapped a bunch of pics, some others also provided pictures as well.  Thanks for contributing to the cause! You can see them all in the GCCGL Photo Album.

George Almeida, Co-Commissioner

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