Kreyling Korner – Week #3 – May 5, 2022

Pete takes and L in week 2.  Just like that, I’m 0-1 in the MOW. 


Week 3 MOW – Ben “Dahm” Leininger vs. John “Syndrome” Rayburn – I had the privilege of playing with Ben last week.  I can’t recall playing with Dahm last year because if I did, I would have remembered.  He sure as hell didn’t resemble anything close to a 16 handicap and his low net win of 34 only further confirmed what I saw.  Dahm managed to snag 7 points last week and is a huge reason DD is only 9.5 points out of first place.  I know, it’s only week 3 but if you would have asked me at the draft, I would have said they wouldn’t be within double digits of first place the entire year.  Syndrome started his season with an L to Ken Glasser in a battle of OGs.  Honestly, I was a little shocked by this result given the amount of golf John has been playing this season. He did have to play in the last group due to tee time requests so maybe the painfully slow pace wore out his patience.  It does most of us!

GLOSSY PREDICTION – The historical match-up on these fine gentlemen is even at 1-1.  Also worth noting, the Willows back nine makes its debut for the 2023 golf season.  As good as Dahm was in week 2, it could easily go the opposite way on this track.  No strokes will be given.  So…do I go with experience or youth?  Rayburn has taught me several life lessons in my 12 years of the GCCGL.  Most of them cannot be posted on this blog.  What does that have to do with golf?  Nothing, but it makes me laugh thinking back on some of the conversations.  Syndrome wins 6 to 4.



Twitter Beef

The PGA events have largely been snooze fests which is natural given the Masters hangover.  However, I did see this bit of news from the Mexico Open this previous weekend.  The picture to the left shows a tweet from Grayson Murray, a relatively unknown tour player, to Kevin Na back in January.  As you can see, Na chirped back on the tweet but that wasn’t enough.  On the driving range this week, Na confronted Murray.  You can read about it HERE.  Golf beefs are pretty weak all around, but this one might take the cake.  Grayson Murray in fact did NOT include Kevin Na in his original tweet (which is such a pansy move) and then Na confronted him somewhere he knew NOTHING would happen.  #realtoughguys




Speaking of golf beefs!  After I left last week I heard there was discussion of the fluffing tactics used in the GCCGL.  Newcomer Austin Wells was slightly shocked at the amount of ball rolling that occurs in the GCCGL.  Austin, I won’t go through all my previous blog posts, but I can say with a high level of confidence I’ve written about the fluffing topic more than anything.  All I will say on the matter is this – if you can’t beat them, join them!  #yougottherightfluff


JR Smith

Have you dudes (and dudette) heard this story about JR Smith?  The JR Smith who played 16 years in the NBA, most notably with NBA Championship teams the Cleveland Cavaliers (2016) and Los Angeles Lakers (2020), enrolled in college at North Carolina AT&T State University in 2021.  After enrolling, JR walked onto the golf team.  Cool enough story as it is, but just last week my man JR was awarded the school’s Academic Athlete of the year for posting a 4.0.  Lots of guys retire and play golf.  Not many retire, play golf, enroll in college, and then study their asses off.  #grindlikeJR



Until next week – fairways and greens my friends.

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