Category: Weekly Updates



I know this sounds like a broken record but damn! Can we catch a break with this Thursday night weather? The odds of us getting rained on between 5-8pm for 5 straight Thursdays in...

2019 – Week 5 1

2019 – Week 5

We are officially through 25% of the season. Do you know what that means? It’s time to step back and assess how things have gone so far. We’ve been rained on 4 of the...


It Gets Better

Yikes. PW took a beating on last week’s Kreyling Korner. That’s OK though. I told all of you in the past that LG is a deeply sensitive man and knowing that, I should have...

2019 – Week 3 0

2019 – Week 3

Despite the threatening weather all around us each and every Thursday, the GCCGL continues to get in the rounds. THAT’S a GOOD thing. What’s not so good is the quality of golf that was...


2019 – Week 2

IMPEACH HIM NOW by GCCGL guest blogger, Syndrome I hate to blow my first GCCGL blog chance with a silly political rant, but seriously, someone has to say something to try to end our...

2019 – Week 1 0

2019 – Week 1

The 24th season of the GCCGL campaign is on its way! TWENTY FOUR. Wow, that is a long time. It’s hard to believe that our little golf league has lasted that long. As I...

2019 – Opening Tee 0

2019 – Opening Tee

The start of the 24th season of the GCCGL is almost here! Although “league play” doesn’t official start until 4/18, the two-week preseason begins on 4/4/18. That is a change from my last email....


2019 HOF Results

The results are in! The 2019 GCCGL Hall of Fame inductee is Danny Snoodles Roller.  The results were very close (5-4). Syndrome also got some love this year. Read about Snoodles’ induction HERE! Danny’s...


2019 HOF Voting

Welcome fellow hackers! You know what time it is? It’s time to vote for the 2019 Hall of Fame inductee! I know what some of you are thinking, “George, why are you wasting my...

2018 – Week 20 1

2018 – Week 20

And the winner is…….Catalina Wine Mixer! What a comeback! Down 15 points with just two weeks left in the season and they roar back and finish in 5th place ahead of the Ballers…Schott Callers...