Category: Weekly Updates

2013 – Week 12 0

2013 – Week 12

We are officially three quarters of the way through the 2013 GCCGL if you can believe that! Only 5 weeks left! That’s right, 5 weeks not 4). The GCCGL commissioner’s office has decided to...

2013 – Week 10 0

2013 – Week 10

Another great day weather-wise and another perfect turnout because of a large number of substitutes (7)! Late June and the month of July is where our subs earn their money due to vacations. A big thank...

2013 – Week 9 0

2013 – Week 9

Things are heating up! Week 9 is in the books and we are officially past the mid-way point of the 2013 GCCGL season! It was a picture perfect day this June 20th in northern...

2013 – Week 8 0

2013 – Week 8

Another great evening on the course. The rain/thunderstorms hit early in the morning and opened up the evening for some perfect golfing weather. We had a perfect turnout this week (24 of 24 golfers).  Thanks to...

2013 – Week 7 0

2013 – Week 7

Another great day. The thunderstorms held off and we actually had beautiful weather for the evening. Another fantastic turnout (23 of 24) golfers.  Thanks to the subs who came out, Seiter (Legend), Szylakowski, Lickert,...

2013 – Week 6 0

2013 – Week 6

Week 6 is in the books. Our second non-match play event, the Stableford, was a bit more of a success with the modified point system. Next season, we can hold this event on the...

2013 – Week 5 0

2013 – Week 5

It wasn’t a very “golf like” evening this past week. It was windy, rainy and cold but despite the weather, we had a great turnout (22 of 24) golfers braved the elements thanks to six...

2013 – Week 4 0

2013 – Week 4

Incredibly the weather held up and we actually had a pleasant, if not humid, evening for golf. Despite the threat of thunderstorms, we had another week of perfect attendance thanks to our deep and...

2013 – Week 3 0

2013 – Week 3

What a difference a week makes. We teed off early! That hardly ever happens. Also despite overcast skies for part of the round and some rain, all 24 players finished with plenty of daylight...

2013 – Week 2 0

2013 – Week 2

The weather probably couldn’t have been better for week 2 of the GCCGL and the attendance showed with a perfect turnout thanks to five subs, Seiter, Straub, Hlebovy, Ricke and McNeil. Thanks all!Unfortunately the...