2013 – Week 5

It wasn’t a very “golf like” evening this past week. It was windy, rainy and cold but despite the weather, we had a great turnout (22 of 24) golfers braved the elements thanks to six substitutes! A big thank you to Silent H, Bleaker (more on this later), Nixon, Seiter, Russell and Cupcake Jr. Thanks to all! This is the reason why any successful golf league is only as good as their sub list.

In last week’s blog, I asked why fellow member Troy Bachmann didn’t have a nick name. Apparently I haven’t been paying attention. Not only does he  have a nickname, he has several. As a matter of fact, he holds the record for nicknames. The league’s office was inundated with phone calls and emails regarding various nick names for Troy. Some of them include, Tiny, Slim and Gobstopper. The latter because of the candy he was eating on the golf course one day last year…..it doesn’t take much to be tagged with a nick name. Just ask Toerner aka Cupcake Jr. He wasn’t doing or saying anything and he was instantly tagged with his. And how about Gustafson? He wasn’t even there! He left to probably hit the rest room for a couple of minutes and came back and all of a sudden he was Wildcard. Crazy league. Anyway, continuing on with Bachmann. Other nicknames flowing in were Baby Huey, Billy Bob and Boy Toy or Boy Troy. A few others included, Bacon, Country Breakfast and Grimace for when he wears his purple shirt. Then things started to get out of hand when nick names like Eclipse and Shrek were tossed around. But my favorites were Wreck-It-Ralph, a great movie by the way, and Fezzik. Now I know most of you over 30 know who Fezzik was, right? Fezzik was a character from the movie Princess Bride, one of the best movies of all time. The character was played by the great Andre the Giant. There are a lot of young pups participating in the league this season, does any of this seem familiar? If not, then you need to start catching up on some of America’s critically important pop culture. All kidding aside, I played with the big guy this past week and even though it wasn’t one of his best week’s, the man is a pleasure to play golf with. He never seems to lose his cool, has a great attitude and most importantly provides shelter from the wind and rain during inclement weather and ample shade during those really hot sunny days. Seriously, he’s a good guy with a great sense of humor. Troy, pick a nick name and it shall be yours.

During the after-round libations, several GCCGL members were commenting on new sub George Remington’s resemblance to actor Michael Cera . He’s starred in several movies, most notably Juno and Superbad. As Cletus, Barry Gibb and Potter were going on and on about how the resemblance was uncanny, I tried my best to see it. Both Cupcake and I just didn’t get it. So I had Potter take a picture of Remington and now you all can judge for yourselves. Should he be tagged with the nick name of Bleeker (Paulie Bleeker, the character Cera played in Juno)?

I must admit, last night I would have said Remington no more looked like Michael Cera than I looked like Tom Cruise. But now, during the day, cleaned up………there’s something there, right? Am I crazy or just tired? I think the resemblance is closer to Beaker…from the Muppets.

Another interesting thing occurred this week involving the match between Cletus and the Politician. After waiting in the rain for 5-10 minutes on hole #5, their foursome went back to the green to finish putting out. The Politician was starring at a 5 ft. birdie for the win! He putts the ball several feet past the hole and then turned to Cletus and says, “Do you have to talk during every single one of my shots!” Bedell fell victim to one of the classic blunders – The most famous of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia” – but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go against a hillbilly named Cletus when a match play point is on the line”! Inconceivable!

We have started a new piece on the blog called the Cletus Tally. This is the running total of what Cletus owes or is owed due to his many side bets. He got cocky after his once in a lifetime banner year last season. He has gotten off to a slow start this year. The tally stands as follows:

Owes Eiser a 6-pack of his choice
Bedell owes Cletus a 6-pack of his choice
Cletus owes Lip-gloss $10

The big winners this week were Moore’s Misfits who crushed #teamname (24 – 16). They were led by Cousin’ Joe who stole 7.5 points from his real-life cuz Big Donkey. This was CJ’s first victory over BD in GCCGL history. The word on the street was that Harris was none to pleased with the outcome. He was gone immediately after the round. I wouldn’t be too hard on the guy, I’m sure he had things to attend to. Next up, Free Pork Sandwich belted Who’s Your Caddie (23 – 17). They were led by the Commish (that’s me) for a second week in a row. I managed to squeak 7.5 points from Ollie who was gracious in defeat. Some of you know that I haven’t been participating in the consumption of alcoholic beverages the last few weeks in the attempt to lose some weight due to a very sore back the last few weeks. However, that has changed. I will be starting up again because apparently the cause of my back pain is not my jelly belly but it is from me carrying my team on my back the last few weeks! Finally, Tiagra Woods beat Slicers not Hookers in a close match (21 -19). They were led by Potter who managed 6.5 points this week. The bottom three teams defeated the top three teams this week. That goes to show you this ride is just beginning.

Next week is the 2nd non-match play event of the season. It is a Stableford Scramble, regular scramble rules apply.  The Photo Album was updated with a picture of two fools wearing shirts with the same emblem. Those of you looking to play golf in a couple of weeks and also want to contribute to a worthy cause, please check out the Conner Golf outing happening on June 9th. General Cable is sponsoring a hole. We move to the back nine of the Willows for the next two weeks. Hope to see you on the golf course and as always, hit ’em straight!

George Almeida – GCCGL Co-Commissioner

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