20th Anniversary Season

20thDo you feel that? Can you sense it? It’s the anticipation for the start of the 20th anniversary season of the GCCGL! The GCCGL roster is set. We have four new full-time members this season. A big welcome to Gregg Szylakowski, Brian Roddy, Seth Brooks and Mitch Smith. We also have several new substitutes this year and what a season we have in store for you! We have so many exciting changes this season commemorating the league’s 20th season in existence.

GCCGL Hall of Fame
First order of business is to kick off the first official GCCGL Hall of Fame voting period. Please take a look at the HOF Overview if you haven’t already. The voting period is active for the next couple of weeks. Please use the official GCCGL HOF Ballot online form to make your selections. Please make your GCCGL membership count and VOTE! Once the voting period is over, the GCCGL commission will tally the results and announce the the 2015 HOF inductees before the season begins. You can find all the links pertaining to the GCCGL HOF under the Pages section under All Posts or search the GCCGL blog.

We have several new team events this season to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the GCCGL. Who knows, some may stick around and some may become a one hit wonder but all all them should provide lots of entertainment. here are the events that will be schedule for the 2015 season.

Existing Events
1. Florida Scramble – (team event) a league favorite, we will open the season with this event as usual.
2. Battle Golf – (match play event) this event has become a staple of the GCCGL.
3. Stableford  Scramble – (team event) has become a fan favorite since we’ve moved the event exclusively to the Pioneer front and changed the point system. Last year, it produced the league’s first hole-in-one!
4. Pot Luck – (match play) this event was spiced up last season after mixing up A/B and C/D players.
5. Best Ball Scramble – (team event) this event remains as the league’s closing event and never fails to disappoint.

New Events
6. String Ball (team event) each team is given 81 inches of string (roughly 6 feet and 9 inches). The string can be used to move your ball in any direction ON THE GREEN ONLY. For example, you are lying 1 and chip the ball to within 2 1/2 feet of the hole, you can snip off 2 1/2 feet of string and take the Eagle! The goal is to wisely use up all your string by the end of the round. Bring your scissors!

7. 2-Man Chappie/Scotch (team event) this one is still on the drawing table but will consist of each team pairing up their A D and C D players. Each twosome will be matched up with another twosome which will be determined by picking from a hat. The twosome will alternate shots until the ball is holed. The rounds will be handicapped based on a formula yet to be determined. The round will be scored like a match play and the points for each twosome will be added together at the end of the event. The most points a team can win is 20 (10 points each twosome).

8. Pink Ball Scramble – (team event) On each hole one player plays the pink ball all the way into the hole, and the other three play a scramble. On the next hole another player plays the pink ball. The rotation must stay in the same order. Final score is by adding the pink ball total with the scramble total.

9. Vegas Scramble – (team event) To add an element of luck and the spirit of Vegas to the GCCGL tour play, the Vegas Scramble incorporates a D6 die to determine the fate of your team’s shots. Each team member has a number from 1 to 4 with the A being the 1 and D being the 4. Each player will take his tee shot, but instead of choosing the best ball of the four, roll the D6 to determine which of the four players’ balls will be used to play the next drive. If you roll a 5 or 6, your team may choose the best of the four balls to play. Die will be given out on the tee.

Season Expansion
We have extended the GCCGL season to 20 weeks for 20 years! This is an additional two weeks of play! We are still leaving the last week for a rain-out week in case the last scramble of the year gets postponed.

Hole-In-One Pool
The start of a Hole-In-One pool. Beginning this season, a nominal fee will be added to the league dues and collected separately to be used as award money for the next person to have a hole-in-one. Sorry Danielle! Speaking of GCCGL dues fees, the GCCGL dues is being increased for the first time in over a decade. GCCGL dues are now $55 for the season and must be turned into the GCCGL treasurer before April 23rd.

The draft has been moved back one week due to a scheduling conflict with the commissioner’s office. The 2015 GCCGL draft will commence on April 3rd. The B Players will be the team captains this season and pick in this year’s draft. Preliminary 2015 captains are:


We also have several new rules that are being created and/or revised. That’s it for now! Please vote for your HOF candidates. GCCGL full-time members are the only ones who can vote. You can only vote once. If you vote twice, your first vote will be the one that will be used. We are looking forward to a special season this year. We hope you enjoy it. New members and subs, don’t forget to please turn in all your scorecards to Lipgloss as you play. Hope to see you on the golf course and as always, hit ’em straight!

George Almeida – GCCGL – Co-commissioner

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