2020 – Week Eight

The season is moving at a brisk clip. Next week will mark the half-way point of the 2020 GCCGL season if you can believe it! Only 13.5 points separate the top 4 teams, so it is anyone’s championship to win. It is good to be back after 12 straight days on the road. I know that doesn’t sound like a lot, but it is, especially when you are driving back and forth from Northern KY to New England. PW took a lot of heat from the other “co-commissioners” while he was gone and the members of this fine institution were subjected to more “fake news” on last week’s Kreyling Korner. Once again, I find myself having to set the record straight on the “real” blog. The weekly GCCGL blog is truly the only place left in the media where you can get honest, uncompromised truth. No fluff, no political bias and most importantly, NO FAKE NEWS.

Lip Gloss mentioned in last week’s MOW, that, and I quote, “Quid Pro Crowe sits atop the league standings, but not really as a result of his play.” “His” being in reference to yours truly, PW. How in the world does LG know this? This is exactly the problem with the current state of the media today. That is complete bush-league. Yes, it’s true that PW hasn’t gotten off to his best start in match play this year but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t contributed to the rise of QPC to the top of the standings. Once again, this is a perfect example of irresponsible journalism that is corrupting the young minds of our generation. Kids like Cap and Swiper are very impressionable. They believe everything they read and hear and for Lip Gloss to spout this kind of nonsense without any vetting or fact checking is just reckless and negligent. The fact is that QPC sits atop of the league standing because they have won all three special events this season.

Florida Scramble – was a complete team effort with several shots used from ALL team members throughout the round.
Pot Luck – the big winner of the Pot Luck event was QPC who was led by, PW who took 7 points that week.
Stableford Scramble – another complete team effort where A-Player, Big Donkey NEVER had to putt until the last hole. I think I might have made 5, maybe 6 birdie putts that night (putting first). But this information was never mentioned on Kreyling Korner.

Now, as far as PW’s responsibilities as co-commissioner during the season, yes, it is true that my responsibilities are reduced to posting the weekly blog. But once again, you only get part of the story. You only get the part the LG wants you to read. What you don’t get is how much work goes into keeping the GCCGL website running. Who do you think pays the website hosting and domain registration fees? Who keeps the site updated and secured from evil doers? Who backs up the precious GCCGL content in case of a server crash or security breach? Who resets the GCCGL site for the new season? Actually, co-commissioner Cupcake did a very impressive job of tackling the task of resetting the blog for a new 2020 season. Even though I had to clean up a few things, he did a very good job. This task is a lot more time consuming than it sounds.

You want more truth? Here’s the truth, I’ve been grooming Cupcake and LG to take over 100% of all league responsibility for years and they have still not realized it! All the administrative stuff has been handled by those two numbskulls for years. The only thing left was the GCCGL blog. This would be my most challenging task. How do I transition the management and administration of the GCCGL blog to two technically challenged finance guys? We’re talking about a couple of guys who thought the term “reboot” meant trying on a second pair of shoes. Therefore, I put together a multi-year plan that started small. I pitched the idea of Kreyling Korner and even came up with the name. I bet you didn’t know that. At first, LG was reluctant. He didn’t know anything about blogging or websites. But I assured him that I can teach him everything he needs to know. So, I made him and Cupcake administrators of the site and my plan was in full swing. Years before Kreyling Korner, I began transitioning responsibilities to Cupcake such as the handicap calculations and reporting as well as uploading this data to the website. The problem was that the old way entering the GCCGL statistics was antiquated and took a very long time to enter all the scores, points, money, etc. I had to come up with a way that would reduce the time from about an hour down to a couple of minutes. That’s when I revised the website to the new format that you see today which allows Cupcake to quickly upload a spreadsheet of information and automatically update the statistics in just a couple of clicks. This took me the better part of a winter, several years ago but it was worth it. Do you know why? FREEDOM! I can finally retire from the GCCGL after 25 wonderful years and pass it on to the younger, more energetic generation.

The point of all this is that it just didn’t “happen” this way. This was a very specific, detailed, calculated 7-10 year plan that is only now coming to fruition. I don’t know if I will be back next season as co-commissioner. However, I hope to be back as a full-time member. I can feel good about leaving this great league that I founded many years ago in good hands and hopefully it will continue to provide entertainment and form friendships for generations long after I’m gone. Perhaps they’ll resurrect a plaque or statue of PW, behind a tree or in the brush, where he spent most of his time on the golf course. Maybe they’ll sing songs about me around the table at local pubs, reminiscing about the good old days of this fine league of ours. Whatever happens, I feel good about where I’ve left things. You’ll be in great shape with CC and LG when the time comes for me to step down and join the ranks of non-management.

The BIG winners this week were China Virus who took 23.5 points! They were led by Potter and Swiper who both took 7.5 points. I must apologize to Syndrome for not posting his Guest blog from two weeks ago. I really did not have any time between working, driving and sleeping. Although the post is two weeks old and not relevant to the GCCGL current events, I still posted it here. I had to modify a thing or two as we continue navigate this ever so changing landscape of political correctness.

The low net winners were (A/B) Potter and Goldie with a low net 34 and (C/D) Swiper with a low net 28. Congratulations to the winners! This week is the US Open Rules on the Willows back. This is always a fun week. Expect some high scores. The schedule is set! I hope to see you on the course and as always, hit ‘em straight!

PW – GCCGL co–commissioner

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4 years ago

Swiper has beat the entire league two weeks in a row,
Will someone please check the math in the HC spreadsheet?

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