2015 – Week 19

thankyouWhat a season! It was a great 20th anniversary season. We had perfect attendance once again thanks to our wonderful subs! Thank you to all our subs who played this season and to Schott, Watson, Tucker, Dominik and we even had a Shane Metz sighting! Thanks to all who filled in for the final scramble!

Congratulations to the team The Offensive Line. Mike Harris, Joe Eiser, Troy Bachmann and John Rayburn. They are the 2015 GCCGL Champions! It was a fantastic finish. They accomplished this despite finishing next to last in total match play points but they dominated in the team events and that was the difference. A huge congratulations to future hall of famer, Big Donkey, who now stands alone with a total of 7 GCCGL Career Championships!

It all started with the traditional Florida Scramble where pre-season favorites, Back in Black and Roller and Duer Again finished next to last. It didn’t take very long for the fashion police to rear their ugly heads and scold me about some of my fashion choices. I learned more about turtlenecks than I ever imagined. The Year of the Cletus got off to a fast start and the old man wound up having a pretty good season. Could this be his last as a GCCGL member? We hope not. Week 5 introduced various new services offered by the GCCGL including free prostate exams. For the first time ever in GCCGL history, we had the first team name change when Three Men and an Ollie, behind another inspirational email, renamed their team to Back in Black. It didn’t work. The wheels came off…..literally on week 7. We had our first ever Pink Ball event and learned everything we ever needed to know about sea cucumbers and sheep balls on week 10. There were fireworks of a different sort on week 11 as the Portuguese Warrior was having a bad week and the blog post got a little angry. Once again, karma proved to be oh so real in the week 14 blog post. My string of angry posts finally caught up to me as I was called out as a “turd of a hack” by Cletus on week 15. Battle Golf was another huge success this season. And finally, who can forget Syndrome crashing his cart down an embankment and and belly flopping himself into the GCCGL history books. Twenty years from now, young whipper snappers playing in the future GCCGL will read all about Syndrome’s shennigans and tomfoolery and they’ll sing songs about him.

As you know, I did not participate in the final week’s festivities so everything regarding the final week of the season is all hearsay. It started out with Cletus scheming up another controversy. As everyone knows, the final tee time order mimics the PGA tour reverse order where the first place team tees off last and the last place teem tees off first. But Cletus had different plans. So on the Tuesday before the final scramble, Cletus polls his team and everyone thinks it is a great idea to go off before anyone else.  Cletus confides in Co-commissioner Cupcake who thought it was an excellent idea. Ah….ha! So much for the “most trusted” GCCGL commissioner! I leave the country for a couple of weeks and the whole league starts to fall apart…..

So anyway, the very next day, Wednesday, DDC is all in and will be there, ready to tee off at 5:00 if the league in front of us will allow.  Cletus confirms with Cupcake and Cupcake indicates that Lip Gloss has yet to receive any votes as the most trusted co-commissioner. I can see the little vein in LG’s forehead pumping and growing angrier with every word of this blog post. Thursday arrives and Cletus confirms with Cupcake and DDC team and still no votes for Lip Gloss….ergo his week 19 Kreyling Korner rant which by the way was hilarious!

Somehow the Cletus plan comes to fruition and DDC was on the tee box at 5:00. Cletus convinces the starter to let them off early at 5:08! The Golf Witch and Goldie watch in disbelief as DDC tees off with the markers and laughing.

As BIB approached the 13th tee, Lip Gloss shouts over to DDC on the 14th green “Do you have the markers”…yes we do. Unbeknownst to the DDC, Goldie complains to Kurt and the rest of the league about the audacity of DDC to tee off out of turn.  How dare they defy the GCCGL commissioner’s office! Who do they think they are! This started a “mob mentality” with folks yelling “card doesn’t count”, “2 stroke penalty” and “DCC is disqualified” Lip Gloss is livid!  As BIB approached the 18th green and LG is walking toward the green, he yells “YOU BUNCH OF CHEATERS….2 STROKE PENALTY…I DON’T WANT TO HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU”!!!  As LG is getting ready to line up his putt, Cletus walks toward LG on the green and yells out “Hey Kurt”.  Startled for a moment, LG starts backing up and says “Don’t throw any beer on me old man!”  But then Cletus holds out the symbol for universal peace and forgiveness, a half quart of his infamous apple pie hard cider . The look on LG’s face said it all. The little vein in his forehead receded back into his follicly challenged head and the twinkle in his eye returned. He smiled and tells Cletus, “you had me at “Hey. No penalty strokes were assessed. LG takes a big swig of apple pie and he and Cletus hug it out. A fitting end to a great season.





The final scramble results were as follows:
The Offensive Line – 25 points (-6)
Roller and Duer Again – 20 points (-5)
Daddy Day Care – 15 points (-4)
Back in Black – 7.5 points (-3)
The Big Bang Theory– 7.5 points (-3)
Massholes – 0 points (-2)

The closest-to-the-pin winners were Mike Harris (A/B) and Seth Brooks (C/D). Longest Drive winners were Adam Schott (A/B) and Jason Nill (C/D). George Almeida was the Points Champ and George Remington was the Winning PCT champ. Congratulations to the winners!

I’d like to thank my fellow co-commissioners Jason Nill and Kurt Kreyling for everything. Seriously, it is a lot of work running this league and those guys do most of the heavy lifting during the season leaving me the time to concentrate on the blog and other administrative responsibilities. Between handling the finances, statistics, handicaps, tee times, Kreyling Korner as well as continuing to come up with fresh ideas to keep the GCCGL entertaining, competitive and relevant, I can’t thank them enough. Without them, there would be no GCCGL. So THANK YOU!

Next season will mark the 21st year for the GCCGL! It will be tough to beat this season but we’ll do our best to make it even better than this season.

Thank you to everyone who participated. Once again, I heard a lot of folks talk about how they felt this was one of the best seasons we’ve ever had in the GCCGL. Somehow we keep topping ourselves year after year. I know this is corny but the reason is simple, YOU, the players, are what makes this league fun and interesting. Speaking on behalf of my fellow co-commissioners, it’s been a pleasure serving as your commissioners this season and we look forward to seeing you next season!

George Almeida, Jason Nill and Kurt Kreyling – GCCGL Commissioner’s Office

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8 years ago

Great ending to the 20th year anniversary season! Thank you to all who participated!

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