Week 13 Update

[dc]T[/dc]o say it was hot this week would be an understatement. It was beyond hot, I don’t have a name to describe what it felt like on the course. Despite this, we had a fantastic turnout (19 of 20) golfers thanks to FIVE subs who braved this ridiculous weather (Schemmel, Dominik, Hellman, Berkley and Reinersman). Thank you! The commissioners office is extremely happy to see almost perfect attendance week in and week out, even during what traditionally is “vacation” time. This proves that this league as with any league just wouldn’t work without great dependable substitutes who want to play. Thank you!

Remember how I stated last week that 75% of the net scores posted were under par? This week that number was 84%! That’s right, 84% of scores posted were at or under par this week! Either this league is getting really good or the handicaps are bloated……oh boy, now I’ve opened up the flood gates again. We are not going to talk about HCs again this week.

T.W.I.G. (This Week in Golf)
The BIG story this week was the Eiser / Harris match-up. What made it interesting was that JJ was playing given the fact that he broke his ankle last week in a GCCGL golfing incident and going against last year’s triple crown winner, Big Donkey Harris. On the surface, this looked like an easy call. No way JJ competes with Donkey, especially wearing a boot! Seriously? However, in a pre-match interview, JJ was extremely confident. It wasn’t so much about whether he would win but by how much…. It just goes to show how much of a mental game this crazy sport of golf is. For the record, it was a very close match and Eiser pulled it out on the last hole when Harris posted a double-bogey (6 -4). Congrats Joe.

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If you read last week’s blog, you undoubtedly recall the tragic events that led to Nick Duer’s ball being “stamped” so deep into the fringe on hole #3 that four grown men looking for 15 minutes couldn’t find it which led Nick to have to take a penalty. This week, I played in the group with two of the players involved in that incident (Carrier and McLinn). BTW, I realized that McLinn is on Duer’s team….with teammates like that…..who needs opponents! Anyway, we decided before we even started the round that we would look for the ball or at least the area where the ball was buried. Zippo, nothing, nada. We couldn’t find any evidence of said incident. I’m wondering if Don just pocketed the ball? I can see it. I think Nick hits a Titleist which are expensive and sought after gems during the proverbial walk of shame through the woods after another slice off the tee. At any rate, I may have been a little tough on Donnie Golf Game and Carrier last week. Remember, it was never their intent for Nick not to find the ball, they thought we would find it. Yeah, if we had a backhoe and some cheap labor maybe…..Actually, Joe felt so bad about the whole thing, he offered to pay for the low net prize that Duer would have most likely won or just pay for his round of golf this week. Nick declined the offer. I thought that was a stand up gesture by two stand-up guys.

 We started with 19 golfers and ended with 20. Play was a bit slow so we picked up a single that was playing behind us. Meet Jeff Rozell, the newest substitute to the GCCGL. Jeff doesn’t have an official HC and didn’t keep score but is estimating about a 7 for nine. He’ll be turning in cards in the coming weeks. He has been added to the subs list. Welcome aboard to the asylum we call the GCCGL Jeff.

The Two-Man (Combined Score) Match play event is next week. Matches have been drawn from a hat. OK, there were some mistakes made which is why the matches aren’t exactly what folks may have thought they were but Nill/Cletus went back through the order and straightened it out as best they could. The schedule is as follows:

Gunga Galunga #1 vs Sphincter #1
Gunga Galunga #2 vs Handi-Capped #2
Heywoods #1 vs Cetard Rollers #2
Heywoods #2 vs Handi-Capped #1
Sphincter #2 vs Cletard Rollers #1

The Rules:

Each team gets to select each 2-Man team.  Each person within the 2-Man plays their own game (with their own handicap) against another 2-Man team.  The 2-Man team with the lowest combined handicapped score wins the hole.  Do this for all 9 holes and score 1 point for low net (just like normal match play with singles, only with doubles).  The most points a 2-Man team can bring home is 10 points thus the most points the 4-member team can win is 20 points for the week. We are going to try to use Scramble Rules – Section 9A-1 for this event. I know, I know..it’s handi-capped, it shouldn’t matter. Let’s see how many subs we’ll need and try to stay within the rules and see how it goes. If there are absolutely no subs within the rules available, we’ll look into making it work since we MUST have 20 players for this event to take place.

As for the play this week, we had another lead change. The Handi-Capped took over first place by 1/2 a point after taking 22.5 points. They were lead by The Politician who managed 6.5 points. Sphincter Says What? fell into second place after winning 21 points. The Cletard Rollers were the big winners this week with 23 points. They were led by Cletus who grabbed 7 points.

The low net winners were Jason Nill (A/B) with a low net of 32 and Allen Bloomhuff (C/D) with a low net score of 30! Congratulations! We move to the back-nine of the Willows for the next two weeks. Hope to see you next week, remember to tip your waiters/waitresses and as always, hit ’em straight!

George Almeida, GCCGL Co-Commissioner

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