“Tee” time with Syndrome

Week 7- June 10th, 2010 Update
Near perfect attendance this week with 19 of 20 golfers showing up.  We had one lone no-show, Meyer, who tried to get a sub but somehow wasn’t able to entice anyone to come out on a clear, sunny but hot day.  Oh well.  Still a great turnout.  Thanks to all.

First lets start by addressing a simple yet controversial matter, official score cards.  You know…. 15 years ago when the league was formed, we actually took the time to draft the GCCGL rules.  Now… there’s been some classic modifications since then (thanks Goldie) but there’s one section that’s been left untouched for all these years, Section 4A-1.  Here it is in case you don’t want to follow the link:

Section 4A-1 Separate score cards for each match (twosome), should be turned into Jason Nill, Allen Bloomhuff or George Almeida. Please insure that the golfers last name and first initial are on the card. Both players should sign the card indicating that the scores recorded are correct and agreed upon between the players. The actual number of strokes used per hole will be recorded for each golfer. For those holes where a stroke is given, the receiver’s score will be circled.

We’ve had a few minor discrepancies this season where the score card that was given to Commissioner Cupcake was contested by one or both of the players after the “official” results were sent out to everyone.  We’ve also had two separate cards for the same match turned in but low and behold, the numbers didn’t match.  It takes time for the commissioners to track down the players involved and get the scores corrected which delays things and stirs the proverbial controversy pot.  I know this is a fun league and all that stuff but we do want to get the scores right and the points distribution correct.  Remember, it was only a few years ago that the league championship finished in a tie after 16 grueling weeks and then was decided by a “drive-off” between Paul Eaglin and Ed Petryk.  So the point of all this is, a point here a 1/2 point there can make the difference between 1st or 2nd.  So for the sake of controversy, please take 30 seconds after the match to look over the card with your opponent, agree on the scores that were posted and initial the card.  If you don’t want to initial the card, then that’s fine but if there’s a discrepancy and the parties can not agree, then what’s on the card will be the official score.

An anonymous tip to the GCCGL commissioners’ office was turned in.  It was in regards to the eventful number 9 hole escapades of Mr. John “Syndrome” Rayburn.  It began innocently enough with John whiffing on his tee shot.  Now, we’ve all done this at some point in our golfing careers, so I can sympathize. He gathers his composure and addresses his ball “Hello Ball!” (that’s for you Honeymooner fans out there).  He whiffs on his second attempt.  OK, it’s hot, he’s certainly polished off an ample amount of beer by now and knowing  Syndrome, he’s probably laughing his azz off by now.  (Maybe not, I’m just guessing).  So here we go, attempt number three.  John gathers up what’s left of his dignity, hikes up his skirt and swings again.  WE HAVE CONTACT!  Unfortunately for him, the “contact” only managed to nudge the ball off the tee approximately 4 inches, which is probably about how tall John felt right at that moment.  Oh boy…..this isn’t going so well.  Uh…I’m not sure what else I can say so I’ll just continue on…..Rayburn walks 4 inches and picks up his ball from the last drive and places it back on the tee.  He wipes the sweat off his brow and brushes off the flakes of humiliation from his shoulders and tries to muster up one last decent drive to finish off this regrettable and forgetful round of golf.  He swings, CONTACT AGAIN!  Oh no…….. somehow, someway the ball manages to go directly sideways approximately 17ft.  What just happened?  Well, at this point there’s not much else one can do after that pathetic display so he walks up to his ball and picks it up.  He places the ball in his pocket and walks the rest of the hole never swinging a club.  Basically he’s become a spectator.  He claims injury but doesn’t state what the injury is.  One can only assume that’s it’s a feeble attempt to save face.  “What about scoring?” someone asks from the stunned foursome.  It is then that one realizes the brilliance that is Syndrome……. he replies, “Never question an eight!”

Remember, we are always looking for web site material so if you see, hear or experience something that you think is deserving of some ink, then call the GCCGL hot line and spill your guts.  You can be rest assured that it is all anonymous.  One final note, Matt McLinn bought golf shoes!  The “Kicks for Matt” fund has been officially closed.

The big winner for the second straight week were the Zingers who took 25 points!  They sneaking up on 2nd place.  The winners of the low net were Danny Roller and Jason Nill  (A/B) with a low net of 32 and Allen Bloomhuff and Brian Lonneman (C/D) with a low net of 35!  Great rounds gentlemen.

The schedule is set.  Check out the new poll question. We start play on the Willows back  nine next week.  We look forward to seeing you on the golf course.  Good luck to all and as always……hit ’em straight!

George Almeida, GCCGL co-commissioner

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