Kreyling Korner – Week #3 – May 4, 2023


Cupcake comes through with a W in week 2 and just like that I’m 1-0 in the MOW. 

WEEK 3 MOW – Pete “Goldie” Goldenberg vs. Danny “Snoodles” Roller

One of my favorite things about Kreyling Korner, and the GCCGL for that matter, is the strength of match-ups week in and week out.  Any casual observer of the GCCGL (which there are none), you could show up on any given Thursday and have a handful of matches to be entertained with for 9 holes.  Week 3 is no exception – Harris vs. Rayburn, Duer vs. Nixon, Roddy vs. Nill.  As good as those matches will be, we have to go with Goldie vs Snoodles.  These two have matched up 15 times, starting way back in 2007, and Goldie owns the overall record at 10-5.  This match will be played straight up and it’s interesting to note that this duel has only been played on the Willows Front twice.  Both times Danny has come out on top.

GLOSSY PREDICTION – last week I picked using statistics and that resulted in my first W of the season.  Lifetime, Roller has an average net score on the Willows front of 36.50; Goldenberg has an average net score of 36.02.  To quote my man Roy McAvoy, “You ride her til she bucks you, or you don’t ride her at all.”  Goldie wins 6-4.  



The Big Donkey pointed out the high scores on a text last week after scores were posted for week 2.  According to statistician Cupcake’s scoring reports, 12.5% of net scores were under par, 4.2% were par, and 83.3% were over par.  Taking that a step further, 10 of 21 participants (48%) failed to break 50 (gross) and only 3 (14%) broke 40 (gross).  I think it’s fair to say the league is rusty. #tinroofrusted    



Kirkland Golf Balls

Most of us know Danny Roller.  Most of us know him pretty well.  Regarded as possibly the best putter in the league, consistently been an A player since I’ve been part of the GCCGL and an all around good dude.  Well, you can learn new things about people no matter how well you think you know them.  How many of you would have guessed that Danny Roller, a single digit handicapper not just in the GCCGL but under USGA regulations as well, uses Kirkland golf balls?  That’s right Kirkland golf balls that cost $25 for 2 dozen.  Listen, I get that I’m a ball snob (Pro V1 all day, everyday) but you can imagine my shock when we were searching for Danny’s golf ball on 16 last week.  I stumbled on a ball and said to Danny, “this isn’t it, this is a Kirkland.”  Danny turns and says to me, “no, that’s it.”  Now, I by no means thought Snoodles was cheating and playing a ball tucked in the rough hat was not the one he played off the tee, but I had to get confirmation.  I yelled over to Harris – “Mike, does Roller really play Kirkland golf balls?”  Mike replied, “yeah, he has for a while now.”  Naturally, both Snoodles and I chuckled at which point Danny offered me a ball to try.  I politely declined, because you know, ball snob.  I just never thought I’d see the day someone as good a golfer as Danny would play balls in the same price range as Top Flights.  #dannyfollowsdaveramsey

Bad Birdie

I’m going to let the GCCGL behind the curtain a little bit.  After each week, George sends out an email to Jason and myself asking for any content he could blog about.  Generally, Jason gives a pretty good breakdown of some of the highlights for the week and I don’t say much.  Why don’t I say much you might ask – because after I write this post each week I’m tired of coming up with material.  Do your own work George!  That being said, I did reply to the email last week and said Brady was wearing a Bad Birdie shirt.  George mentioned this in his blog but didn’t give this the attention deserve.  I haven’t touched on golf fashion for a while and I have to say, some in this league have really stepped up their game.  Shout out to John Rayburn who almost exclusively rocks the Bill Murray golf line.  All that being said, I think more attention has to be given to the only other league member to own a Bad Birdie shirt.  I’m not sure when I first wore this brand, but I think it was during the 2020 season.  Brady is the first person to purchase a Bad Birdie product, outside of myself, since the 2020 season.  I think that in of itself deserves its own section in the Kreyling Korner.  More than a “little misty eyed” comment.”  Respect Gosney!   #stillwaitingformylifetimesponsorship

George Almeida Attendance

Speaking of George, how in the hell can PW call out subs?  True, it’s shocking that people respond to the league email at the beginning of the season and say “I want to sub.” Then, they never actually sub.  And yes, there are people that have been on the sub list for multiple years that have not subbed in that same time frame.  Regardless, how can George mention attendance at all?  George graced the league with his appearance for the Florida Scramble, had a sub in week 2, a sub this week, and plans on having subs in weeks 4 and 5.  That’s a whopping attendance percentage of 20% through the first 5 weeks of the season.  We ask full time members to maintain a 70% attendance record.  That means, George has to show up 13 of the final 15 weeks of the season to hit the 70% attendance mark.  I’m not a betting man, but if I was – I’d take the under on those 13 appearances through the final 15 weeks.  #dobetterPW


Until next week – fairways and greens my friends.

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1 year ago

Hold on there, are you saying that all I have to do to get kicked out of the league (or at the very least, get stripped of my co-commissioner title, is to maintain my current attendance rate? You got my attention! #KKIsaBallSnob

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