Kreyling Korner – Week #11 – 06/29/17
NO MOW! It’s Pink Ball Scramble time.
Guess who’s back, back again…Lip-Gloss is back…tell a friend. Guess who’s back, guess who’s back, guess who’s back
Hello friends! It’s good to see you again. First off, you’re welcome. I have successfully implanted the Eminem song, Without Me in your head. What’s that? Do I think you have lost weight since I’ve been gone? Maybe you should re-read Syndrome’s blog post about walking on the front of the Pioneer…consider doing a little more walking.
How is everyone? I missed your ugly mugs last week. No really – in between the day drinking (and night drinking for that matter), sitting on the beach, playing golf and an all-around pleasant experience on Hilton Head Island, I actually thought about you guys on Thursday night.
Since I was out last week, I have little to go on as far as content. I did read Syndrome’s blog posts, and might I say John was the perfect choice for back-up blogger. It sounds like crappy weather last week kind of zapped the MOJO out of the GCCGL. That being said, why don’t we do some Golf Education (a slight variation to Golf History)?
Danny “The One Arm Wonder” Roller stopped in this week and gave me an interesting article from Golf Digest. I’m not sure if anyone has noticed, but most golf courses distribute the handicap of all 18 holes evenly. Generally, all ODD number handicap holes are on the front nine and all EVEN number handicap holes are on the back nine. You don’t believe, go look at some scorecards – I’ll wait…
I’ve always found this odd, especially since most people will play an 18 hole course and agree that one nine hole track is harder than another. Logically, you would think lower handicaps would be given to holes based on which holes are ACTUALLY the hardest. Au contrarire my friend and the explanation is kind of interesting. According to the article in golf digest “handicap strokes are meant to be equalizers in matches. Putting the odd strokes on the front and even ones on the back distributes the handicap strokes more evenly.” The article goes on to say the USGA Handicap System Manual suggests not making the 1st or 18th holes the number 1 or number 2 handicap holes. And, if the back nine of a course is significantly harder than the front, the odd-even system can be flipped.
Until next week – fairways and greens my friends.