
Week 2 – May 6th, 2010 Update
Not sure we could have had a better day weather-wise.  Perfect weather and almost perfect attendance.  We had 19 of 20 golfers show up and we only needed 1 sub.  Great participation, let’s keep it going!

There’s plenty to talk about.  Brian Lonneman’s plan to throw Rayburn off course by disfiguring his face didn’t exactly work to perfection.  The plan was to let the goatee grow and then shape it into chops.  You remember what chops look like don’t you? They went out with lava lamps and the Village People.  On top of this, Brian, a.k.a. Chops, made a critical error in judgment in wearing a pink shirt on top of his new look.  It wasn’t pretty.  Words can’t possibly describe what we all witnessed, so here’s a few pics to give you a better understanding.

       Before                       After
Lonneman shaving before his match  

….and here’s a shot of Chops with his poker buddies last Saturday night.

Moving on…… We’ve had some memorable moments in the 15 year history of the GCCGL.  However, the one that occurred on the last hole of the night with the last group of the night was pretty funny.  Everyone basically decided to stay after their round last night and congregated around the 9th hole and from the looks of the 1/2 dozen empty pitchers of Miller Light laying around the green, everyone was in a “good” mood..  Nate Berkley pushed his approach shot way to the right of the green in the direction of the “gallery”.  Of course the gallery consisted of about 15 of GCCGL’s finest members.  As Nate approaches his ball, the gallery forms a perfect horseshoe shape around his ball, giving Nate ample room in which to perform his backswing.  There was a lot of chatter, cat calls and laughter coming from the unruly bunch.  Nate had this smirk on his face which basically said it all…“Shoot, why me!”  So as Nate addresses his ball, a good Samaritan hushes the gallery, you could hear a pin drop.  Nate takes his swing and makes contact……the second his club strikes the turf, a shout of “GET IN THE HOLE!!!” bursts out, followed by a roar, applause and some more laughter.

I’d love to tell you that the ball actually did get in the hole, but in reality it didn’t come close.  But I gotta give Nate credit.  It was a pretty good shot from the position he was in not to mention the pressure of the gallery staring him down.  And you wonder why we have a hard time attracting new members each year….

KBSOB was the big winner this week grabbing 26 points!  The Zingers didn’t do too shabby either, collecting another 22.5 points to take the overall lead in the standings.  A shout out to J.J., Chops, Cletus and Cupcake!  Keep your shirts on and your backsides covered.

The winners of the low net were Big Ed Petryk (A/B) with a net 31 and John Rayburn (C/D) with a low net of 28!  A 28!  If that’s not sandbagging, I don’t know what is!  Nice rounds gentlemen. 

On a more serious note, the GCCGL has decided to hold a benefit to raise money for a worthy cause.  We’d like to dedicate next week’s money prizes to the Kicks for Matt Foundation.  It has come to our attention that Matt McLinn has been golfing with his work shoes the last two weeks.  As members of the GCCGL, we are looked upon as ambassadors to the community (that was hard to type with a straight face).  It’s time to give back and as long as I’m co-commissioner of this fine institution, I’ll be damned if I let one more person in this world play this good game of golf in their Merona Ramiros!

The schedule is set.  Check out the new poll question.  Also, we’ve started an Archives section so that you can relive each GCCGL update throughout the year.  It is located in the Select and Go drop-down and at the bottom of the Home page.  We look forward to seeing you on the golf course.  Good luck to all and as always……hit ’em straight!

George Almeida, GCCGL co-commissioner

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