Category: Weekly Updates

2013 – Week 1 0

2013 – Week 1

The 2013 GCCGL season has officially begun. We had a great turnout (23 of 24) golfers. The only reason we didn’t have perfect attendance was because there was no sub available within the rules for...

2013 Opening Day is almost here 0

2013 Opening Day is almost here

The opening tee off for the 2013 GCCGL season is almost here! We begin the season this Thursday, April 25th promptly at 5:32pm. Trust me, we will need every single second of daylight in...

2013 Draft 0

2013 Draft

And it begins…. The 2013 GCCGL draft took place this past week. Last year’s draft included a shocker when Syndrome inexplicitly turned the tables upside down by NOT picking a “B” player in the...

August 16, 2012 Update 0

August 16, 2012 Update

[dc]T[/dc]he 2012 GCCGL season is over! As you know, I was not in attendance on the last week of the season but I do know we had a perfect turnout once again thanks to...

August 9, 2012 Update 0

August 9, 2012 Update

This league is officially whacked! When I looked outside at 4:30pm on Thursday, August 2nd, it was dark, windy and raining sideways. It was raining cats and dogs. That’s a strange term, “raining cats...

August 2, 2012 Update 0

August 2, 2012 Update

What in the world happened this past week? It had to be one of the weirdest, kookiest nights in GCCGL history. Everyone was a little “on edge” last night. There were golf balls flying...

July 26, 2012 Update 0

July 26, 2012 Update

[dc]S[/dc]ome how, some way, despite thunder, lightning, wind and rain all around us, we were able to finish the round relatively dry. Overall, it seems like everyone enjoyed the first annual GCCGL Stableford Scramble....

July 19, 2012 Update 0

July 19, 2012 Update

[dc]I[/dc] can’t believe we didn’t get rained on. The thunder was rolling on the first tee, yet we made it through the round relatively dry. We had another good turnout this week with 21...

July 12, 2012 Update 0

July 12, 2012 Update

[dc]A[/dc]nother week in the books! We had another good week of attendance with 21 of 24 golfers showing up thanks to four more subs filling in, Jeff Rozell, Mike Hlebovy, Brad Cunningham and new sub Roy Kusuma. Thanks...

July 5, 2012 Update 0

July 5, 2012 Update

[dc]W[/dc]ow, was it hot out there this past Thursday. Remarkably even with the ridiculously steamy weather, we had 23 of 24 golfers show up. We missed a perfect turnout all because Nick “Potter” Duer...