Category: Weekly Updates

2018 – Week 19 0

2018 – Week 19

Can you believe it? The 2018 GCCGL season is almost over. We have one week left to go which is the Best Ball Scramble to determine the 2018 GCCGL Championship. The week 19 blog...


Corn Beef and Hash

Once again, I find myself writing this blog at 2:30 in the AM and once again, I blame myself. I made the last-minute decision to join some of the guys at BW’s for some...


Yabadabadoo Feet

What’s going on with the Pioneer course? I mean come on man. Some of the greens have more bumps and craters than a puberty-ridden teenager. Seriously though, the first two greens are in shambles....

2018 – Week 16 0

2018 – Week 16

Pressure. That’s the word of the day. The 2018 GCCGL Pot Luck event may very well turn out to be the turning point of the season. There was a ton of movement once again...


Geriatric vs Pediatric

Geriatric vs Pediatric Week 15 will be remembered as the week where the lowly bottom dwellers rose up from the depths of the GCCGL basement and played the spoiler role bringing down a couple...

2018 – Week 14 0

2018 – Week 14

I don’t know what it is about the US Open Rules event that brings out the worst in most of us but whatever it is, we can’t deny that it still remains one of...

2018 – Week 13 0

2018 – Week 13

It was week 13 of the 2018 GCCGL season which coincidentally coincided with Friday the 13th. Was it a coincidence? The week started with more jabs at PW regarding his record against the card....

2018 – Week 12 0

2018 – Week 12

I’m never going out for post-round libations again. I got a good 1.5 – 2 hours before I woke up at 1:30am. I can’t go on like this. Sorry Syndrome but the sleep deprivation...


Fishing for Pink Balls

I’m back fellow hackers! First, my apologies for my 2 week hiatus. Things have been extremely busy for PW with my wife’s birthday, Father’s Day and Memorial Day weekend, I just couldn’t find the...

2018 – Week 8 0

2018 – Week 8

Reading this week’s Kreyling Korner blog post made me step back, pause and realize during these times of uncertainty, there’s one staple of stability that we all can lean on, the GCCGL. It’s the...