2018 – Week 12

I’m never going out for post-round libations again. I got a good 1.5 – 2 hours before I woke up at 1:30am. I can’t go on like this. Sorry Syndrome but the sleep deprivation is killing PW! As many of you already know, PW as well as Potter suffer from a sleep disorder induced by consuming alcohol late at night. And it looks like others in the league may be starting to become affected like Couzin’ Joe. It’s not like any of us are pounding beer after beer. Every person is different and for me, it only takes a couple of beers. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. This is a real physiological condition that, for me, started as I got into my late 40’s. It’s called the “rebound effect“. For those of you who are interested, there are many articles about this. You can click HERE to read one of the more interesting ones. 

As you can see, we have a new sponsor for the GCCGL, Big Donkey® Enterprises, LLC. (This is what happens at 2:00 AM). Big Donkey® Enterprises has a pretty good thing going this season. Overall sales are up to approximately $140 not including league winnings. Projections for the second half of the season are strong. The company is experiencing increased demand as the season reaches the final stretch for the championship.  However, there were some rumblings that the commissioner’s office began tampering with Big Donkey® clientele. Caption Hairy secured BD’s subbing services and informed the commissioner’s office. Apparently some GCCGL commissioner staff members began to try and persuade Captain Hairy to save his hard earned money and seek the subbing services of other “free” independent subbing contractors like Club Cletus. Now, I can vouch for Club Cletus as I have recently used their services. I have nothing bad to say about them. They are a fine institution but you get what you pay for. In this case, you get an old man who can’t see 3 feet in front of him after Lasik eye surgery.  Well, word got to  Big Donkey and he immediately fired an email to co-commissioner Cupcake demanding that he and Lip Gloss stop harassing his clients and threatened legal action if such conduct continues. The GCCGL is financially sound at this moment but we do not have the resources to undertake a long, drawn out legal battle with cash rich Big Donkey® Enterprises, LLC. So as a peace token, the GCCGL is providing this one-time advertisement, free of charge.

Since we are on the topic of Big Donkey, did anyone catch this moment? Big Donkey was walking out to the parking lot and searching for his truck but there’s no truck. He’s looking around and around but the truck is gone. He starts yelling out, “My truck is gone!” “Someone stole my truck!” Couzin’ Joe was in the area and assured BD that his truck could not have gotten stolen and typically I would agree but this is the GCCGL after all. I mean, I never thought in my wildest dreams that I’d be talking about a GCCGL member diving into a scum-infested pond looking for a pink ball, but I was wrong. So it was conceivable to me that BD’s truck could get stolen. This went on for a minute or two before Couzin’ Joe spotted Big Donkey’s truck and pointed it out to him. Crises averted.

I don’t have a whole lot to blog about this week. It was a hot mess out there this week. This heat has been brutal. Seriously, it was sooo HOT, Bachmann changed his shirt three times walking from the parking lot to the club house.  It was sooo HOT that when Meyer busted ass on the 9th tee, I move behind him just to feel the breeze. Hey-OH! That’s all I got this week. Pathetic, I know but given that I have to get to work in a couple of hours and I’m on about 2 hours of sleep, it’s the best that I can do. I used to get nice little summary emails from co-commissioner Cupcake that I’d dissect and gleam some blog material from but I don’t get those anymore. The  blogging industry has  change, no one cares anymore. It’s all about fake news and shock value now. 

The big winners this week were The Process who defeated Putter Face (22 -18). They were led by David “no nickname” Fusting who nabbed 7 points. The Process is starting to make a moved after a horrible stretch of golf earlier in the season.  This league is all about streaks and it looks like the team that finishes hot, will most likely win this year’s championship. With only 8 weeks left, the top 4 teams are only separated by 11.5 points. It should be a wild finish. Donkey’s Disciples beat the Hackstreet Boys (21.5 – 18.5) taking over first place again. They were led by Han Solo who managed 7 points this week. And for the battle for last place, Ballers…Schott Callers! got past Catalina Wine Mixer also by a score of (21.5 – 18.5) adding to CWM woes. They were led by Cupcake who took 7 points.

The low net winners this week were Lip Gloss (A/B) with a low net of 33 and Tyler Verst (C/D) with a low net of net 31. Great rounds everyone and congratulations! Vacation season is ramping up and the subs are going to be getting a lot of calls over the next few weeks. We had a bunch of subs fill in this past week, Cletus, Golf Angel, Big Donkey, Meyer, Leininger and Verst. Thanks for subbing guys and girl! We move to the back of the Willows the next two weeks. We hope to see you on the course and as always, hit ’em straight!

George Almeida – GCCGL co-commissioner

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