Category: Guest Blogs


2019 Vegas Diaries #1.5

Angry Old Man by Syndrome Angry old man rant time (isn’t pretty much everything that comes out of my mouth an angry old man rant?) I remember air travel before deregulation. You millennials can...


2019 – Vegas Diaries #1

GCCGL goes to Vegas by Syndrome 10:39am and the clubs are packed in their travel bag.  Head off the driver, clubs bundled into the center and wrapped in a towel and of course some...

2019 – Week 15 1

2019 – Week 15

Brought to you by PW and Syndrome Good day fellow hackers. Boy do we have a treat for you. You get two “blogs” for the price of one this week. The first part is...

2019 – Week 8 0

2019 – Week 8

By Guest Blogger Andy “Russell” Crowe Welcome back golf fans for another weekly recap of the greatest golf league in the western hemisphere. Mother Nature was on our side for week 8 and no...

2019 – Week 7 1

2019 – Week 7

Post Created By Guest Blogger Syndrome Sorry for the delay golf fans, I had to run out and buy some cargo shorts to get in the right frame of mind to write the blog....


2019 – Week 2

IMPEACH HIM NOW by GCCGL guest blogger, Syndrome I hate to blow my first GCCGL blog chance with a silly political rant, but seriously, someone has to say something to try to end our...

2017 – Week 10 0

2017 – Week 10

Well, boys and girls, you’re stuck with me blogging again with PW, Aholio and Snoodles still in HH putting lotion on each other’s backs.  Look at those happy faces.  They may never come back....


2017 – Week 9

The League has spoken…and considering the level of retardation in the League, the result is me blogging for PW.  Sort of like Trump voters realizing he actually won.  Whooops. First, let’s talk about the...