2020 – Pre-season Wk5

It’s finally time! The official start of the GCCGL 2020 season begins on Thursday, May 14th! We had a GREAT turnout last week for the final practice round (17 of 20) members showed up! It was wonderful to see many of you again after so many weeks of self-quarantine. Well…. almost all of you. The COVID pandemic has taken it’s toll all over the world but it breaks my heart to see what it’s done to this little golf league that I founded 25 years ago. Words cannot describe what I’m referring to so here are some physical reminders. Click for larger views.

May I help you madam?




Hello Mr. Kotteer!


Where do I begin? Let’s start from left to right with Cletus. Cletus has officially crossed the line and gone FULL ON OLD MAN. Never mind the long hair and beard. If I’m being honest, I’m a little jealous. The guy has every strand of hair still on his head since the mid-seventies and I’m desperately holding on to some scraps and a memory of historic remains of what once was a great society of hair¹. He has resorted himself to stealing ladies glasses and wearing them! I’ve stated this several times on this blog that old people cannot avoid the irresistible urge of kleptomania. It’s a fact. Who knows why? Maybe it’s because they know they have limited time on this earth and just don’t care anymore. I can live with that. But if you are going to steal something, why would you take some old lady’s sunglasses from the counter at the Florence Panera Bread?

How about one of our newest GCCGL members, Swiper? I heard about “the mustache”. It was the talk of the office (well, the virtual office). It had grown to mythical proportions. You’d think this thing could cure cancer the way folks were talking about it. It has been compared to the likes of other famous staches such as Geraldo Rivera, Freddy Mercury and even Hulk Hogan. But those clowns couldn’t hold a candle to that “Ron Jeremy” looking snot mop that Swiper is sporting. I’ll admit that I couldn’t stop looking at it. I don’t have half the guts that Swiper has but I love it.

And then there’s The Assassin. I don’t know about you but after seeing The Assassin’s hairdo last week, I got a serious hankering to binge watch one of the most famous and beloved sitcoms of the 70’s, Welcome Back Kotter. I smell a possible new nickname coming on, Freddy “Boom Boom” Washington.

So, as you can see, the COVID epidemic has affected us all, some more than others. It will be great to get back to some normalcy. We play the Florida Scramble on the back of the Willows this week. Please get a sub if you can’t make it. Remember, the handicap system has switched to the new World Handicap calculation. Please make sure any subs are within three strokes of your HC as per the GCCGL Scramble Rules.

The 2020 GCCGL Schedule is set! I hope to see you on the course and as always, hit ‘em straight!

PW – GCCGL co–commissioner

¹ George Costanza – Seinfeld

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Troy Bachmann
Troy Bachmann
4 years ago

Will we be following the max hole score calculation on the WHS or will we be maintaining the “never question an 8” rule?

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