New Tee Times!

[dc]I[/dc]mportant news! As many of you know, over the last couple of years, we’ve had an increasing interest in the General Cable Golf League.  The main reason, I believe, is mostly word of mouth combined with an influx of new GCC associates. Everyone who has been a part of this league knows it is a lot of fun which is why we continue to hold onto members even after they leave General Cable.  So in order to extend the reach of the GCCGL fun, we’ve been able to convince the Kenton County Golf Course to give us the two available time slots in front of our existing slots as a trial period.

Over the next several weeks we can begin teeing off at 5:32pm with 8 minutes in between tee times.  We MUST tee off on time otherwise the golf course will end the trial period and start giving those slots to walk-ups.  Now I know that it will be impossible for some of you to make this tee time and that’s OK.  We just need to make sure on any given week that at least 8 of us can tee off  at 5:32 and 5:40 in order to keep these tee times.  If we can, then this opens the door to add an unprecedented 6th team to the mix next season.  And you know what this means……that finally John Rayburn might tick up a notch and move to the coveted “C” player status!  Therefore our new tee times for the next few weeks and possibly permanently are:

5:32 pm
5:40 pm
5:48 pm
5:56 pm
6:04 pm
6:12 pm – possible 6th team and 4 new members in 2012
6:20 pm – future expansion

Another piece of news includes the construction on 275 West.  This is a major problem for us.  An unofficial dry run took 45 minutes to get to the course from the building.  It normally takes approximately 20 minutes.  Therefore PLEASE allow 20 – 25 minutes extra until the construction is complete (which I hope is soon).  The Directions page has been updated with directions to the course via the Rt. 16 exit.  Barring traffic, it takes approximately 15 – 20 minutes from Rt.16 to get to the course.  It could wind up saving 5 – 10 minutes or more depending on the traffic.  Just something to consider.
Finally, check out the new Detail Scoring Analysis in the Statistics section added by co-commissioner Cupcake. You will need Excel 2003 or higher to view and download the file.  It contains more information than you’ll ever need to size up your opponent before an important match play.


So remember, if you are there early and at the range, please make sure you get to the tee on time.  Cletus will have the tee times assigned before-hand to hopefully give everyone a target time to hit.

Good luck to all and hope to see you on the course.

George Almeida,  GCCGL C0-Commissioner

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