Magical 48

Week 8 – March 22, 2008 Update

This GCCGL moment was inspired by a former GCCGL member, Tom Widmyer, when he posted his first score under 50.

We are officially half way through the 2008 GCCGL season!  It was another perfect day weather-wise, but not so perfect attendance-wise.  We had 11 of 16 golfers show up and it would have only been 8 if not for the 3 subs who joined us.  That’s OK though, this happens every year with summer vacations and general business travel.  As long as everyone makes an attempt to get a sub, it’s fine.

The Fight’n “Fore” Nicators made a huge move this week by destroying the depleted Goldenbergs (25.5 – 14.5).  With that huge win, they catapulted out of the cellar and into third place!  Their leader, Mike Harris, shot under par (gross 33)!  Very nice!  They were also led by Tom Widmyer who grabbed 8.5 points from Berkley’s card.  More on Tom later.  They took full advantage of a Goldenbergs team without 3 of 4 regulars.  Meanwhile The Divots narrowly defeated the Ruff Putters (21 – 19).  Despite the win, the Divots fell to last place.  They were led by John Rayburn who won 9 points. The Ruff Putters moved into first place despite the loss.

It was a pretty uneventful round last Thursday until the round was completed and we all gathered around the 9th hole and then subsequently retired to the clubhouse for some “refreshments”.  Tom Widmyer was so proud of his round (48) and his big win.  As Allen and I collected the cards, we were missing one….Tom’s.  We basically had to pry the card from his hands.

While outside on the clubhouse patio, everyone was enjoying some “interesting” conversation and a few pitchers of refreshments while Bloomhuff and I were checking the cards.  But there was one card missing….again.  I look over to Tom and there he was, admiring his scorecard with a euphoric look on his face.  You know the look…….. Remember your first time…………we all do.  The first time you break 50 for nine.  Yes……it was beautiful.  It’s the same look that little Ralphie (from the great movie classic, A Christmas Story, had when his dad won a major award which turned out to be a leg lamp.  Ralphie couldn’t resist staring at the “glow of electric sex” lighting up his family’s living room.  For those of you unfortunate enough to not get the reference, below are pictures of Ralphie and the leg lamp.

Winners of the low net were Mike Harris (A/B) with a net 32 and Tom Widmyer (C/D) with a net 30.  Nice rounds guys.  Congratulations to the winners!

Please pay your dues to our co-commissioner/treasurer Jason Nill if you haven’t done so already.  This means YOU MOORE!

Hope to see you on the course!

The schedule has been set.

George Almeida, GCCGL co-commissioner

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