Letter from Commissioner’s Office

 [dc]A[/dc]s the 2011 GCCGL season nears, I’d like to remind everyone about using good judgment when posting comments to future articles and when using the ShoutBox.  We’ve pushed the envelope in recent years and it was all in good fun. Now that the site is more interactive, we must use discretion when posting or making comments.  The GCCGL site is now linked in one of the GCC HR portals and we should be proud of that.  There has been increasing interest in the league the last couple of years to the point where we can grow the league membership to 24 members  or more if not for tee time constraints.  Not all GCC employees can leave the office early enough to make a 5:30pm tee time therefore we can not grow membership more than the current 20 members.  The point is the website has more exposure than ever before and you never know who is visiting.

This letter is in response to a post which referenced some material which “Anonymous” felt was inappropriate for a corporate league.  Regardless whether or not the post was a hoax, and I’m well aware that it may be a member who is playing a joke, it doesn’t matter.  I happen to agree with Anonymous .  As the main person responsible for the material on this website I take full responsibility.  I need to make sure we balance innocent ribbing and poking fun at each others expense with proper material that shouldn’t be offensive to anyone.  As a result some modifications have been made.

Therefore,  if you have to step back and think about whether or not the comment you are about to post is a little too controversial or politically incorrect, please do me a favor and DO NOT POST IT.  By the way, this includes myself! Thank you and we look forward to another great season!

George Almeida, GCCGL co-commissioner

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