Kreyling Korner – Week #9 – June 17, 2021


Feels good to be back from a glorious week of vacation.  Did you miss me?  Don’t answer that.  Happy US Open week…for the pros.  We all know the “real” US Open week is in week 15 of the 2021 season. 

Pressed for time this week so I’m only hitting you with a MOW.  George was a late scratch way back in Week 7, so I think that match is thrown out.  Overall record still stands at 3-1.

Week 9 MOW – Serkan “the Assassin” Freeman vs. John “Syndrome” Rayburn – Love this match-up in week 9.  Let’s step back here for a second and give Serkan a golf clap.  Two years in the league, two championships, a stat I feel is overlooked when looking at GCCGL members.  Sure, in 2020, Ethridge was the runaway MVP and carried China Virus, but in that same season the Assassin finished 6-7-1 averaging 4.6 points.  In 2019, he finished 7-8 averaging 4.4 points.  Alright, those stats aren’t great but something has to be said about this guy in the team room.  Is he the hype man?  Does he bring a Jordan like focus?  Does he have an incredible play list that just “gets the people going.” Whatever it is, Serkan’s got the sauce and in 2020 he is 3-2 averaging 5.1 points a match.  His team currently sits in fourth place 23 points out of first.  It’s a long season, so there is still time for Ace’s Ventura to compete for a championship.

My man Syndrome also makes his debut in the 2021 MOW.  In 2021 John sits at 3-1-2, averaging 5.25 points a match.  His team, Rolling 60’s, sits in third place, 13 points from first.  John’s getting 4 strokes tonight, which seems like a lot on the back nine of the Pioneer. 

GLOSSY PREDICTION – these guys play a lot of golf together, so Rayburn’s mind games don’t necessarily come into play.  Another thing to consider – pace of play.  Does Rayburn play slower and lose patience or does Serkan play quicker and get out of rhythm?  All things considered I like Rayburn getting 4 on the back of the Pioneer.  Syndrome wins 5.5-4.5.

Until next week – fairways and greens my friends.

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The Assassin
The Assassin
3 years ago

I like to think of myself as the “glue guy”. Good locker room presence and can occasionally come off the bench and put up starter numbers.

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