Kreyling Korner – Week #6 – 05/25/17



Stableford scramble week – so no MOW for week #6. But I did go 1-1 last week (thanks for losing Cupcake…you suck) keeping my record at 4-4 on the season.  A quarter of the way through and I’m still at .500 – I’ll take it.

By the way – the picture above is of Billy Horschel. He won last week on the PGA Tour after a fairly long drought.  Mr. Horschel has always been known for his golf fashion as demonstrated by the octopus pants above.  Y’all know this stupid Kreyling Korner blog started with fashion tips – so let’s give Billy a tip of the cap for his win and his fashion sense.


Syndrome loved it and I had a bunch of other people commenting on the week #3 post, so let’s do another one. It’s time for TREND WATCH.


Mike Tucker – Man that was hard to type. Yup, Mike Tucker is trending up. Listen, I give Radio as much crap as anyone in the league. I’ll also be the first to give credit where credit is due and Mike is playing out of his mind so far this season. He is at the top of league standings in both points and money and his hot play has landed his team in first place. Make no bones about it – Tucker is the reason the Young Guns are in first place. One other thing, to you guys complaining about Tucker’s handicap (looking right at you Goldie), you can all shove it. We have seen this in years past – Donnie Golf Game and Matt McLinn off the top of my head. There is no penalty for getting better in the offseason and kicking ass the next year. Just keep in mind – It’s OK if someone other than a handful of GCCGL members plays well! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to take a shower. I feel dirty giving Squints so much praise. Mike Tucker, take a bow, you are trending up.

Lassing Pointe Golf CLub – Odd…right? Why would I bring up a popular Northern Kentucky golf course in Trending Up? Well today is running an article highlighting the top public and private golf courses in each state ( As you probably guessed by now, the public track chosen was none other than Lassing Point in Union, KY. For those wondering, Valhalla was the best private course in Kentucky. WARNING! A humble brag dropping in….3…2…1 I’ve been lucky enough to play Valhalla a couple times and I can say without a doubt it is the nicest and hardest course I’ve ever played. For you Buckeyes out there, no public course in Cincinnati made the list. Muirfield Village, site of next week’s Memorial tournament , made the list as the best private course in Ohio. Kudos to Lassing Pointe – that course is trending up!


Birdies, Eagles and a Crowe – So let’s get this straight, BEC is 1.5 points out of first place and has the potential to score a lot of points in tonight’s Stableford Scramble. Their team leader and A Player is out tonight, probably wedding planning or something like that (VanPelt style). Who does Mitch land as a sub, Jason Kramer. Nothing against Kramer, he’s a nice guy, fun to be around, fits in the GCCGL like a glove. That being said, I’m pretty sure Jason has played more golf in 2017 than ever in his lifetime. When I asked him for 5 nine hole scores to establish his handicap he acted as if I requested him to get a colonoscopy. On top of that, Jacob Cartwright is subbing for Brian Robinson. Jacob has subbed 3 weeks in a row and hasn’t sniffed a round under 50.  Don’t worry Cartwright, it’s probably just the league effect. I would like congratulate Jacob on quickly becoming the super sub of 2017. I would also like to ridicule the BEC team for seriously hurting their chances of maintaining a top 3 position at a pivotal week in the season. Birdies, Eagles and a Crowe are trending down.

Until next week – fairways and greens my friends.

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7 years ago

I feel dirty reading what you wrote!!! Thanks Kurt

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