Kreyling Korner – Week 4 – May 9, 2024

Sorry dudes – Week #3 was a busy week with kids stuff and work.  Trying not to skip many weeks in the 2024 season, but unfortunately it might happen.  I hope to find some guest writers for the 2024 season if I run into this situation again!  Brady, our ex-intern, has offered to be on one of the said guest writers, but I’m not optimistic because of the HUGE fail on the execution of the live draft.


I know better.  I know better than to bet against Ollie.  Well, I should say I know better than to bet against Ollie when he is NOT on my team.  Which he was for like 6 of my first 13 years and in all those years, we didn’t sniff a championship.  When he is not on my team he wins the points race, the winning percentage AND championships.  Obviously, I’m not shocked that Ollie beat PW in my first MOW of the season…I know better.  0-1 to start, need a bounce back win in week 4.

Week #4 brings on a GCCGLer favorite, and often controversial, Pot Luck week.  I’m sure everyone knows, but in case some of the rookies don’t, Pot Luck is the only event all year where an A/B player will play a C/D player.  And, the match-ups are randomly picked, which makes it even more exciting.  The best part of this week, in this humble (not really) co-commissioner’s opinion is the stroke differential that some of these A/B vs C/D match-ups bring.  Some of the best in 2024 Goldie (3) vs Fisher (15), Winkler (19) vs Crowe (8) and D’Angelo (14) vs. Parvesse (8). 

As good as those match-ups are, they all get thrown out for 2 reasons.  First things first…subs are not really people so they NEVER (not really) are put in the MOW (see ya Fishcer).  Two, I don’t EVER (not really) put my team in the MOW.  Why? Because the MOW JINX is real!  Rookies, if you don’t know…ask somebody.  Matteo and Crowe are out!

The Week #4 – Pot Luck MOW is….drum roll please…Steve “Vanilla Gorilla” Wethington vs George Welling.  Welling needs a nickname and quick.  Seriously – an entire rookie season and nothing?  Do better GCCGL!  I feel like I’ve already typed a lot for this MOW and haven’t said a word about golf, so let’s wrap this thing up.    

GLOSSY PREDICTION – Both the Vanilla Gorilla and Welling are 1-1 on the year.  Through the first two weeks of match play, Wethington has shot an average net of 43.5 and Welling has shot an average net of 45.5.  Those net scores are pretty close and Welling is getting 10 strokes tonight.  The equalizer I think is in the back 9 of the Willows.  By far the hardest 9 we play, I have a feeling the early season rust will result in some higher scores than we have already seen this season (hard to believe).  For this reason, I’m giving the nod to the A player.  Vanilla Gorilla wins 6-4.      


Flying Pig

Onlookers of the GCCGL on a Thursday night would never suspect so may finely tuned athletes.  All those onlookers would be wrong.  4 members of the 2024 GCCGL partook in the Flying Pig Marathon this past weekend.  Congrats to Andy Crowe and Armando Delgado who completed the full marathon.  Congrats to Jeff Capannari and Brian Turnwald for completing the half marathon.  Armando – next time you submit a pic, put a shirt on…this is a family website (not really)!


Justin Thomas

The PGA Championship is next week, taking place in the great state of Kentucky at Valhalla Golf Club.  Humble brag – old Lip Gloss has played Valhalla like 4 times now (REALLY)…no big deal.  In preparation of next week, the city of Louisville honored one of its very own, Justin Thomas.  How you may ask?  By hanging a huge “Hometown Hero” banner on the side of a building in downtown Louisville.  If you have been through Louisville, you can’t miss them.  Anyway, Thomas was very honored and emotional when receiving the award (JT Link).  Pretty cool to see a pro athlete with as much success as Thomas reacting like this to an honor in his hometown.


90s Rap Songs

One of the best things about growing up in the 90s was experiencing the evolution of Rap music.  I mean Snoop Dog, Tupac, The Notorious BIG, Eminem, Jay-Z, Outkast the list goes on and on.  Everywhere I went in high school and college we were bumping these songs and singing all the lyrics.  I’ll tell you one thing I never thought of when I was rapping Nuthin But A G Thang as a teenager…that someday, my teenage son would turn on Snoop and Dre 30 years later, in the front seat of my truck, and rap the song EXACTLY like I used to.  Yes, I know the words.  Yes, I’ve listened to the words.  But listening and singing Ludacris’ Southern Hospitality with your 14 year old son hits different…and by different I mean weird.  Man – I’m old.


Until next week – fairways and greens my friends.

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