Kreyling Korner – Week 19 – September 5, 2024


Brady lost in week 17, and I will GLADLY take that L.  If I I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times – the jinx is REAL and the jinx is SPECTACULAR!  5-3 on the season. 

WEEK 19 MOW – George “Portuguese Warrior” Almeida vs. Allen “Cletus” Bloomhuff

Last MOW of the 2024 season so lets go out with a bang.  I’m going with the two OG’s of the GCCGL, better known as the Old Yellers – PW and Cletus.  Let’s start off looking at the history of these two – Cletus owns this battle of the blue hairs with an overall record of 6-4-1.  According to Cupcake’s stats their first match up was in 2002.  I think the 2002 match is probably more representative of when we first start keeping good stats and not when they actually first played.  George “joined” the league in 1996 (that’s according to the website, but I’m pretty sure he started it in 1995) and Cletus joined in 1998.  Based on that info, I’m guessing these two played probably played their first match in 1998.  Question for the league on the first tee and on the 9th green – how many guys playing were born in or around the years 1996 to 1998?

Current year stats on these two: PW is 4-4 with a point average of 5.1 and an attendance record of 55.6%; Cletus is 5-2-1 with a point average of 6.6 and an attendance record of 61.1%.  Let this be a lesson to all who plan on drafting anyone with yellow fever in future years.  While both men have respectable records and average point totals, their attendance is pathetic.  Why?  George can barely walk with how bad his back is and Allen missed a significant amount of time having a device planted in his tongue for sleep apnea.


GLOSSY PREDICTION:  It’s 50/50 if George’s back is even in a good enough spot to play tonight.  If it is, he hasn’t played in over a month.  Unless Cletus’s tongue starts twitching uncontrollably (in which case Amy will probably call and beg him to come home), I don’t think PW overcomes the rust even with the 3 strokes.  Allen wins 6-4.


Extended Season = Dumb Decision

We need to address the elephant in the room gentlemen.  Extending the season 2 weeks was a bad decision.  In the last two weeks we have had a total of 12 people out and 1 sub!  And – I’m sure this trend is going to extend into next week as I already know Cupcake and yours truly will need a sub.  Two people on the first place teams playing for a championship, and subs will be needed. To say it’s disappointing is an understatement.  The lack of attendance coupled with the quickly diminishing amount of daylight kind of makes this experiment of extending the season a failure.  I can see one week extensions – but two is too much. 


MVP Race

He doesn’t know this yet, but Nill will be sending out a survey next week asking for your votes for the 2024 MVP.  Only one GCCGL member can take home this coveted title, so start thinking and discussing amongst yourselves on who you think is deserving of this great honor.  My two cents – it’s between Leininger and Crowe.  Without those two, Clubhouse Cowboys and Our D is Better Than Yours are not in the top spot. 


2024 Championship Race

It all comes down to the last two weeks.  Currently, the Clubhouse Cowboys have a 15.5 point lead over Our D is the Best.  Anything over 10 is difficult to overcome in the last week of the year, but if ODBY manages to have a big week and CC is not so fortunate…well the best ball scramble could get VERY interesting.  So interesting I might risk a second divorce and forgo my need for a sub mentioned above.  But what am I talking about…it doesn’t matter that I’m playing the card (I’ll probably split at best) and I hate my teams match-ups this week.  Clubhouse Cowboys on the other hand – they have a cake walk to 25 points.  I feel as though this might be the end of ODBY.


Until next week – fairways and greens my friends.

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