Kreyling Korner – Week 17 – August 22, 2024


I haven’t done a MOW since week 11.  WEEK 11!!! As a reminder, I’m 5-2 on the season. 

WEEK 17 MOW – Brady Gosney vs. Jake Glah

Gentlemen, it’s that time of the season when the shenanigans kick in.  As I write this post, the Clubhouse Dorks (Brady’s team) sit in first place, 12.5 points ahead of Our D is Better Than Yours (my team).  This week, Jake Glah has graciously agreed to sub for me as I do the good dad thing and watch my son in his freshman soccer game against the Simon Kenton Pioneers.  Speaking of dad’s, is anyone else getting deadbeat dad vibes from George?  More on that later…

Now as most of you know, I NEVER put my team (not really) or a sub (most of the time) in the weekly MOW.  You also know that I, and most of the veterans in the league, truly believe in the MOW jinx.  If you pay attention, almost every week I either get a comment from someone in the MOW, or what you can’t see, at least an email telling me I suck.  Why break my rules then of picking a match for my team and for a sub?  Simple – I have no shame.

I’ve been in this league for 13 years and in that entire time I have ONE championship.  That’s a shitty win percentage, and this year, the ODBY’s have a chance at winning the 2024 crown.  So – I’m going to try and jinx the hell out of Brady boy.  On the year Gosney is 5-5-1 averaging 5 points a match.  Absolutely astounding statistics, and quite frankly I don’t think there is any way Jake can beat him.  As for Jake…well we don’t have stats on subs (say it with me…because subs aren’t real people), but he did shoot a gross 38/net 34 last week and tied for the low net money.  In addition, he’s pretty much become a super sub and is a regular on Thursday nights.  And…he kind of fits the vibe of the GCCGL so he has been a great addition.        

GLOSSY PREDICTION:  As much as I like Jake, he doesn’t have a snowballs chance in hell tonight.  Brady gets 1 stroke, but if Jake has any chance, he needs Brad to give 12.  If I was Jake, I would highly consider calling Brady as soon as he reads this and beg for a split.  Gosney wins 8-2.



Everyone wave to George Almeida!

I mean it!  Take a minute to wave hello to the Portuguese Warrior after he decided to grace us with his presence and blog last week.  After telling everyone he was going to be gone for a month because his back hurt, and he had trips to Portugal…and then letting everyone know that he was done for the season because of said back injury, he decided he had enough “material” to blog in week 16 despite being nowhere near the GCCGL since July.  He doesn’t even work at Prysmian anymore, where the majority of the league spends their days so all his “info” had to be from out of context test messages.  Never the less, the one who does the most minimal amount of work for this league decide to Monday morning quarter back Jason and I on how we have handled league business in his absence.

As I mentioned earlier, George is starting to give of deadbeat dad vibes.  Let me be clear, this has nothing to do with him as an ACTUAL father.  PW is a father who should be emulated by all dads as he has done an absolute wonderful job raising his two daughters.    

As a co-commissioner of the GCCGL…complete F’ing deadbeat.  Seriously, he shows up at his kids games (the blog) every now and then just to remind everyone that he is in fact the biological father (founder).  These encounters are always awkward as most of the other parents (GCCGL members) have to whisper to each other – who is that guy again?  As weird as it is for the parents, it’s even stranger for the kids (other co-commissioners).  They have to endure the tips during the game – keep your elbow up Cupcake (you should have cancelled the Pink Ball scramble due to weather)  – when the dad hasn’t even helped him hit off a tee in the back yard. 

Let’s call the blog post from last week what it really was.  The yearly birthday card from a father that left years ago.


Until next week – fairways and greens my friends.

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