Cupcake’s Cupboard

Welcome to Cupcake’s Cupboard. The new section of the GCCGL was created as an homage to our resident co-commissioner Cupcake. Every once in a while, out of nowhere, Lip Gloss and I will get a link to a video, article, blog post or image somewhere on the Internet from Cupcake. It can happen during golf season or it can happen on a cold Sunday night in December. You never know. At any rate, whenever I receive one of these texts or emails, I usually wind of laughing pretty hard at the complete silliness of whatever CC sent us.

So this is a place where you will find absolutely nothing relevant to golf (most of the time). Instead, you will find childish, silly and sometimes hilarious material from a lot of folks who have way too much time on their hands. 

Send on a Monday this time at 11pm. Once again proving their are multiple uses for that middle finger.
Delivered to me on May 15th, 2024. If this isn’t the truth, I don’t know what is. Good find Cupcake!
Another classic from CC sent to me late on a Sunday night, May 12, 2024. The question we should all be asking ourselves is, what is Cupcake doing every Sunday, late at night? Why Sunday night? As for the video clip, all I can say is that little kid has a bright future ahead.
I can’t remember when I first seen this video which, by the way, is a real commercial that aired inn Britain. I can’t even remember is it was Cupcake who first brought it to our attention or not but the chances are good that it was CC who found this gem. I’m warning you now, I think it is impossible to watch this and not laugh.
This one is a very short clip that was sent to me last Monday, April 29, 2024 at 9:56pm. I was asleep of course and woke up to this!