Category: Weekly Updates


2024 – Week 12

We are heading into the dog days of summer and it looks like the Clubhouse Cowboys are starting to pull away from the pack after their big win in the Stableford Scramble. This year,...


2024 – Week 11

We’ve turned the corner and are officially into the second half of the 2024 GCCGL season. Are you excited? I know I’m excited. I’m so damn excited, I nearly “pooped my pants“. Speaking of...


2024 – Week 10

Sorry for the Irish goodbye last week. I was so tired and practically fell asleep in my golf cart. The heat really hit me. I stayed for a beer though. This past Thursday was...


2024 – Week 9

PW is falling apart. Lower back pain continues to linger around like a Cupcake “drive-by” in the corporate office hallways. I’m dealing with excruciating pain in both shoulders and have run out of prescription...


2024 – Week 7

First of all, my apologies for not blogging last week. My “staycation” coupled with the Memorial Day weekend, prevented me from having any downtime. Week 7 is in the books and we have a...


2024 – Week 5

Believe it or not, we are 1/4 of the way through the 2024 GCCGL season. Time flies when you’re having fun and from what I can tell, everyone is having a pretty good time...


2024 – Week 4

The second event of the season, Pot Luck, was a smashing success! Play was fast! There was plenty of light, so that shouldn’t be a concern until late August. The windy conditions made things...


2024 – Week 3

Forewarning, if you don’t like this blog post, it’s because I’m writing it at 2:30AM Friday morning. It’s because of the beer hops. I knew it! Bedell and I bought 4 pitchers of beer...


2024 – Week 2

The first match play event of the year has come and gone. So, what have we learned? Well, we had 3 out of 22 scores (14%) finished net par on the Pioneer back. I’m...