2024 – Week 7

First of all, my apologies for not blogging last week. My “staycation” coupled with the Memorial Day weekend, prevented me from having any downtime. Week 7 is in the books and we have a race folks! The first place Vanilla Gorillas are in the midst of a 3 game losing streak and have dropped out of first place again. The 2024 standings are in flux! Only 19 points separate the top team from the last place team! That’s nothing! It is anyone’s GCCGL Championship at this point.

The Match of the Week (MOW) was Cletus vs PW. It was a close match and Cletus won a close one (5.5 – 4.5). It was nice to be out there with my old, OLD friend, Cletus. We’ve known each other for almost 30 years now. He was the first person to offer to help me run this league after it got too much for me to manage on my own way back in the late 90’s. Cletus recruited Cupcake to help out and the rest is history. During our round, I got to know Cletus a little better. Did you know that Cletus was shoved out of a 2nd floor window when he was just 2 years old? Rumor has it that a jealous “cousin” gave him a little push but I’m willing to bet there’s more to the story. Perhaps it was payback for baby Cletus farting in his couzin’s backswing while playing putt-putt the night before. Cletus also revealed that he was beaned in the head by a baseball as a youngster. No doubt he was crowding the plate and probably deserved it. As bad as all that was, Cletus then recounted a time when he was involved in a major car crash and smashed his noggin on the windshield of his of 1972 El Camino. And then it dawned on me, all this blunt trauma to his head all of a sudden started to connect all the puzzle pieces together and paint a “picture”. After reading the ramblings of the old man on the last Kreyling Korner…. it makes sense now.

Staying on the Cletus train, last week Cletus’ team was the first group in the Montezuma’s Revenge scramble. GCCGL tradition normally has the first group or two buying beer for the post-round libations get-together. But I saw only one bucket of beer last week. It was a despicable display. However, this week, Cletus dusted off the cobwebs on his credit card and splurged for four buckets of beer. While this sufficed for most folks, there was one person who came away unimpressed. As the last group of the evening finished up, they start ascending up the steep hill on Willows #9. Lip Gloss was in the last group. He was a bit more disheveled than usual and then proceeded to tell me, “I just shot a 39 and got my ass kicked in by Nixon“. He was not happy. He then turned around to the buckets of beer on the cart path and bent over to grab a cold one. As he scanned the buckets, poking his left index finger around the partially crushed remnants of Miller Lite cans in the half empty buckets of beer and ice cubes, he realized there’s no beer left and shouts out to no one in particular, “You gotta be f****n kidding me!” The look on his face was one of utter disbelief and disgust. I only wish I had my camera ready! It would have been an instant classic.

PGA Event this Thursday! The inaugural GCCGL PGA Event took place in 2016. It was nothing short of a colossal success. Not because of the great play, there wasn’t much of that. It was because of the not-so-great play and terribly high scores that started to filter in as the groups started to hand in their cards. No one really knew what to expect. We all kind of thought the scores would be little higher than usual but when we started to see a score or two of 69, 70, then it hit us like a ton of bricks. This event gets in people’s heads. Everyone moves back one tee length. The under 55 folks hit from the Blue Tees, the old geezers move back to the White Tees. We play PGA rules. If you hit it out of bounds on your drive or you “think” you may have it it out of bounds, then hit a provisional. There will no NO ROLLING the ball. Play it as it lies. There will be NO GIMMIES. All putts must be putted out.

Since we have so many newbies in the league, I thought it would be good to post the 2016 GCCGL PGA Event highlight video below in case you haven’t seen it. It can also be viewed in the GCCGL Video Library along with other videos over the years.



The big winners this week were Drawshank Redemption who absolutely annihilated Vanilla Gorillas (26.5-13.5). They were led by Jim “Radar” Allen who nabbed (7.5 pts). Our D is Better Than Your’s were next best as they won their team match (23.5-16.5). They were led by Cap who took (8.5 pts). The Low Net winner for (A/B) was Nixon with a low net of (33) and for (C/D) Leininger with a low net of (35). Congratulations to the winners! The schedule is set. Good luck everyone. We hope to see you on the course and as always, hit ’em straight!

Let’s finish up with another installment of Cupcake’s Cupboard.


The Portuguese Warrior – GCCGL co-commissioner

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