2024 – Week 16

I leave for a few days and the whole operation is in shambles.

I’ll be honest, while I was relaxing in Portugal with a cold beer in my hand, I really wasn’t thinking about the GCCGL. Between medical issues, vacation and other things, I just haven’t had time. I’d like to thank Cupcake and Lip Gloss for holding down the fort and running the league (as best they could). However, during my absence, there seems to have been some questionable decisions around the Pink Ball event. Also, there were a couple of poor judgement calls when it came to the weather and whether or not to extend the season another week due to a rainout. Had PW been around, I probably would have made some different calls, but I wasn’t around.  Which is why I’m asking to please not give these guys too much static. They are doing the best they can. It’s not their fault that they’re simpletons uncapable of taking on a leadership role and making tough decisions on the spot. That’s why PW is here. It’s like being a parent of two little toddlers, the second you turn your head away from them, the next thing you know, there’s baby powder in every crevice of your family room and the dog is wearing a pink tutu. That’s what it’s like trying to manage these two knuckleheads. But I digress. They are doing the best they can.

Everyone knows that PW is the glue to keeping the GCCGL together. That’s why it hurt deeply when I read the Week 15 – Kreyling’s Korner. I think LG called me a lazy ass? Ouch. 

It’s no secret that PW has been looking for a way out of his GCCGL responsibilities for several years  after founding this league 29 years ago. The plan was to make it to the 30-year anniversary of the GCCGL (in 2025) and then gracefully bow out and pass the torch to the younger generation. 

There’s also one more thing that keeps me from “pulling a Cletus” and retiring from my GCCGL co-commissioner duties. I can’t really confirm or deny this but I’ve had this gut feeling that for one reason or another, which I still don’t understand, there are people out there (no longer part of the league) just waiting and wishing for the GCCGL to fail and collapse. Let me be clear, there’s no proof or facts. It’s just a “gut feeling” for some reason. I’m on an unbelievable hot streak when it comes to my gut but in this case, I hope I’m wrong. At any rate, call it pride, call it my Portuguese stubbornness, call it whatever you want, I just can’t let that happen. Therefore, it’s obvious to me, I gotta take over this whole operation (again).

I hate beating a dead horse, but the last thing I’ll throw out here is the small little fact that the first and second place teams just happen to include Cupcake and Lip Gloss. Could this be the reason for some of the bonehead decisions made by the two of them over the past month? Are they secretly trying to secure their spots at the top of the GCCGL standings? You have to ask yourselves, why is it that Cupcake and Lip Gloss’ teams never seem to have trouble finding subs? Yet, I email every sub on the sub list, multiple times, weeks in advance and all I get is crickets. Does anyone else find that odd? We all know that Cupcake is the master of statistics. Well, I have a statistic for you. Did you know that Cupcake’s team, Clubhouse Cowboys, is the ONLY team that has not had to play their CARD this season? Think about that for a minute. And Lip Gloss’ team (recently for the first time) just had a member that was forced to play their CARD (Capannari) last week. Oh, Lip Gloss will tell you that he had to play his CARD earlier this year BUT what he won’t tell you is that he was able to SPLIT that match with his opponent. So it doesn’t count LG! Doesn’t it bother anyone else  that somehow, someway, these two co-commissioners’ teams always have access to subs? Does this mean there’s a conspiracy happening right under our noses? Perhaps. Can I prove it? Maybe. Is this accusation ridiculous and without merit and just being brought up to fill blog material? Probably! 

What’s in Cupcake’s Cupboard today? Go ahead and open it up. Don’t be afraid.

The big winners this week were Party of Fore who whipped Vanilla Gorillas (24-16). They were led by Bill “Patient Zero” Nixon who nabbed 8 points. Our D is Better Than Your’s beat Trains, Cranes and Elevators (22-18). They were led by substitute Jake Glah, who managed 7.5 points. What a surprise, Kreyling’s team found a sub. Hmm… Congratulations to the winners! The schedule is set. We hope to see you on the course next week and as always, hit ‘em straight!

The Portuguese Warrior – GCCGL co-commissioner

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