2024 – Week 12

We are heading into the dog days of summer and it looks like the Clubhouse Cowboys are starting to pull away from the pack after their big win in the Stableford Scramble. This year, there was an 18 point difference between the first place team and the last place team. That’s HUGE! What’s even HUGER (is that a word?) is the second place (Our D Player is Better Than Your’s) team finished 16 points behind the first place Clubhouse Cowboys! That’s equivalent to winning a match play event (28-12)! Don’t tell me the Stableford isn’t the most important scramble of the season. This might be co-commissioner’s Cupcake’s year to finally end his historical GCCGL Championship 12-year drought! The question we must ask ourselves is this, “Is Cupcake’s suspicious substitution practices the reason for his team’s success?” Even co-commissioner Lip Gloss stated as much in his last Kreyling Korner blog post

Cupcake tried to throw some shade on the controversy with his comments in response to KK’s post. Basically, Cupcake seemed to be accusing Lip Gloss of purposely NOT helping Bill Nixon’s team in finding a sub because they were in 3rd place at the time, right behind Lip Gloss’ team. Oooh, that’s juicy. This sparked some back and forth in the GCCGL Commissioner text chain. KK was livid and screamed FAKE NEWS! He adamantly denied any wrong doing.

In true PW fashion, I’m providing the full text message transcript between the GCCGL Commissioner’s office. It has not been modified or doctored. It all started with me congratulating KK on a great Kreyling Korner post.

This scandal is so deep, it’s has now caused CC and LG to turn on each other! That never happens. I get it though. Cupcake hasn’t sniffed a GCCGL trophy in 12 years but he does have 6 of them collecting dust on his mantle. Meanwhile, Lip Gloss is desperate to prove that he’s worthy after finally winning his first, and only, GCCGL trophy in 2022 (12 years after he joined the league). These two will do anything to get back to the promised land. It is up to the rest of the league to make sure THAT DOESN’T HAPPEN! We still have 8 weeks and a lot can still happen. But it will be an uphill battle and would probably take a historical collapse by both teams which I even admit, is unlikely, but still possible.

Now, after reading all of this and seeing the evidence, I think we can all agree that PW is THE only co-commissioner that can be trusted!

As some of you may or may not know, PW is on the disabled list for a while. My lower back issues have finally caught up to me and I’m out of commission for a while. I’m still looking for a sub for next week, 7/18 if any of you subs are interested, please give me a call, text or email.

The official diagnosis is that my back is in bad shape, but so are a lot of other folks, including others in the GCCGL. The treatment plan is a 10-day oral steroids prescription, muscle relaxers, heavy duty pain meds and physical therapy. I tried my best to get temporary relief via cortisone or epidural trigger shots, so that I can participate in the GCCGL, but the doctors won’t do that without an MRI, and I can’t get an MRI until I go through the more conservative treatment. So I’m stuck. The treatment seems to be working, although very slowly. The good news is I was able to piss standing up for the first time in a week! The bad news is that the pain began to radiate down my right leg in the middle of it because it takes me too long to go with my prostate issues! I can’t make this stuff up.

I most likely will not be able to blog the next 3 weeks so if anyone wants to fill in, please talk to co-commissioner Cupcake and Lip Gloss.

The big winners this week were Clubhouse Cowboys who won the scramble with a score of (29). This got them 33 points! Draw Shank Redemption and Vanilla Gorillas finished 2nd with a score of (31) and 25 points each. The closest-to-the-pin winners were Muench (A/B) and Leininger (C/D). Congratulations to the winners! The schedule is set. We hope to see you on the course next week and as always, hit ‘em straight!

The Portuguese Warrior – GCCGL co-commissioner

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