2024 – Week 10

Sorry for the Irish goodbye last week. I was so tired and practically fell asleep in my golf cart. The heat really hit me. I stayed for a beer though.

This past Thursday was the summer solstice, which of course means the longest day of the year. And it also means we are officially halfway through the 2024 GCCGL season! We start losing light every single day from here on out. I’m only bringing this up because we teed off late last week because we had folks in the first group show up late. Instead of trying to piece together a foursome to tee off on time, we were piddling around wasting time. So, in the future, let’s get our heads out of our ass and tee off on time. OK?

There is absolutely nothing to blog about this week. I’m completely out of material and we still have 10 weeks left! Sure, I can dedicate another post to refute last week’s Kreyling Korner, but is that really the best use of my time? Let’s face it, no common-sense person reading that KK post actually believes any of it. I don’t have anything to prove. All the proof I need is that I can’t find subs to fill in for me on 7/25 (Match Play) and 8/1 (Pink Ball). I’m looking for a handicap no lower than 9 on the Willows Back for the Pink Ball. I’ve sent emails out over one month in advance and I still can’t find anyone to commit. There really can only be one explanation and it is obvious to any rational person on this planet. All the subs have been locked up by KK and CC so that they can treat them like pawns or chess pieces placing them where it best benefits their needs. What other logical explanation can there be? Therefore, I’m going to be the bigger person here and move on. By the way, I still need subs for me on 7/25 and 8/1 (Pink Ball). Help a brother out! Break free of the Cupcake/Kreyling handcuffs and go rogue! EMAIL ME now!

The stats department at the GCCGL thought it would be interesting to spotlight the folks who have lost to eventual low-net winners. We’re not sure what to call this yet, we’re thinking the Hard Luck Whiner award. We’ve been keeping this statistic for some time. We are now going to bring it to the forefront and will have A/B and C/D Hard Luck Whiner awards at the end of each season. Each winner will win a grand total of $1 each. Below are the Hard Luck stats going back to 2001!

Halfway through the 2024 season, the Hard Luck leaders are (A/B) Goldie and Kreyling with 2 losses to low-net winners and (C/D) Jim Allen, leading the pack with 3 losses to low-net winners.



In other news, it was SO HOT last week that Rich Parvesse wore a hat! I’m not joking.

The big winners this week were Trains, Cranes & Elevators who crushed Vanilla Gorillas (23.5-16.5). They were led by Goldie and Welling who won (7.5 pts) each. Party of Fore narrowly defeated Drawshank Redemption (21-19). They were led by Ollie who nabbed (7.5 pts).

Finally, we are very excited for the first annual Red, White and Blue Event this week! Please read the rules. The Event is named Red, White and Blue in name only. Depending on how it goes, we’ll either keep it as a match play event next year or move it to a scramble event. We’ll see. The schedule is set. We hope to see you on the course next week and as always, hit ‘em straight!

The Portuguese Warrior – GCCGL co-commissioner

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