2024 – Draft

 “Let’s do a “live” draft”, they said. “Don’t worry, Brady will take care of everything“, they proclaimed. “Don’t worry PW, all you have to do is show up for 20 minutes”, they declared. What a bunch of bullshit. 

I knew it was a bad omen when, as I was driving to Mac’s Pizza in Highland Heights, KY, I got stuck in traffic and saw a Toyota Varis with blue truck nuts hanging from the trailer hitch. Have you ever seen an older model Toyota Varis? They’re like the clown cars you see in a circus. And then to top it off, they hang blue truck nuts off the it? Really? WTF? Did I drive through a time warp and land back in the 90’s? And why does a Toyota Varis have a trailer hitch? That thing is so small, I’m not sure it could handle our very own J. Winkler in the passenger seat never mind pulling a load of …..well anything. I shouldn’t poke fun at Winkler, I know it’s mostly water weight. At least he showed up! Also, I don’t know if it’s my old eyes, but I think the young lad might have lost a pound or two. Looking svelte Wink! 

So somehow, PW, was left to run the damn draft while Brady was supposedly sleeping on his couch. So much for the great “Brady Experiment”. Come on kid, are we really supposed to believe that? You see, that’s the problem with the Gen Z generation. They think they’re smarter than everyone else but they’re sadly mistaken. The kid was given his first “project” by co-commissioner Lip Gloss and it wound up a complete and utter failure. This is the generation that is supposedly going to take care of the likes of me and Cletus in our golden years. I don’t know what you’re thinking Cletus, but we’re f***ed! I had to unexpectedly pick up the pieces, quickly regroup and run the 2024 GCCGL draft myself. And while we’re talking about Cletus, he was the only NO SHOW for the C-Players because he couldn’t make it due to a surgical procedure earlier in the week. You can imaging to my surprise when I called Cletus on the phone when it was time for him to make his draft selection, I couldn’t even hear him because he was out with Amy, his lovely wife, drinking at some bar watching the Reds game! Are you kidding me? This was the reason he couldn’t make the 2024 GCCGL “live” draft? And Kreyling was no help. He was drunk after 2 IPA’s and half a Miller Lite in Newport and texted me stating he “couldn’t make it“. It’s a good thing this is a family blog because I had all sorts of derogatory expletives ready for KK. Finally, our “most-trusted” co-commissioner Cupcake. Cupcake couldn’t make the “live” GCCGL draft because he was home with the kids drinking virgin daiquiris in between diaper changes with the other neighborhood “dads” while their wives were serving up shots off their belly buttons to unemployed millennials.

This season is off to a roaring start.

The 2024 GCCGL Draft is in the books! Below are the 2024 GCCGL teams. You all have until Wednesday, April 3rd to submit your team names to co-commissioner Cupcake. If you do not, he will pick a name for you and I promise, you won’t like it. 

Team Welling

Team Capannari

Team Almeida

Team Livermore

Team Leininger

Team Bloomhuff
James Allen

Practice rounds begin next week on the Willows front! Please email me if you plan on showing up for Practice Round #1. I need to know how many are showing up. Also, if you are 55 years or older and plan on moving up a tee box, YOU MUST ANNOUNCE THIS DECISION AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SEASON (if you haven’t already) AND STICK WITH IT FOR THE ENTIRE SEASON. NO EXCEPTIONS. I will provide a blog post next week on the 2024 GCCGL predictions. You won’t want to miss this one. Finally, please pay your dues prior to April 18th. You can pay Co-Commissioner Cupcake using one of the following methods:

PayPal – jnill@generalcable.com
Venmo – @nilljd96

It is going to be a fun season! We hope to see you on the course and as always, hit ’em straight!

The Portuguese Warrior – GCCGL co-commissioner

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