2021 – Week Five

Everyone loves a good controversy. That especially rings true for the GCCGL. As a matter of fact, I’d go a step further and state that not only does the GCCGL absolutely LOVE controversy, we go out of our way to find it and sometimes go through extraordinary lengths to manufacture them. There is not enough time in the year to go over all the past controversies throughout the crazy history of this golf league. You can find some of them buried somewhere in the GCCGL History section. 

The latest controversy included two new GCCGL members, B. Leininger and J. Allen. These two were pitted against each other this week. The “controversy” happened on the very first hole, #10. Here is what happened.

J. Allen hit a long drive in the fairway and walked to a ball that he thought was his. His second shot was a duff and he hits his 3rd shot onto the green. However, as he goes to mark his ball on the green,  he realizes it wasn’t his ball. As he approached closer to the green, he finds his original ball from his fantastic drive.  Not knowing how to play it, he hit this ball onto the green and played both balls into the cup. He winds up birdieing his original drive. He scored a double-bogey on the other (wrong) ball that he mistakenly played. Hmm…what to do….

Historically, in this beer drinking league, the unwritten rule has always been, “you find it, you play it“, meaning if you find your original ball after taking a provisional or hitting the wrong ball then you play your original ball, no penalty. However, this was slightly different given that Jim did get a couple of swings in before he found his original ball. This was a quandary. It’s a good thing these two newbies had a savvy GCCGL veteran like Goldie in their foursome to help them navigate the messy waters of this perplexing scenario. As it turned out, Pete wasn’t  completely useless! It was his idea to play out both balls and then take it to the commissioner’s office rules committee. 

The ultimate ruling from the GCCGL Rules Committee was the following email to both players.

Jim, Ben,

Let us know what you guys sort out / decide on the hole in question.  If you want the commissioners office opinion on the matter, we can certainly give it, but generally speaking in match play you guys would need to sort it out and agree on a resolution.

GCCGL Rules Committee

I don’t know about you, but I think this was the correct ruling. We’d love to hear your opinion if you can muster up the energy to leave a comment below. So, what’s the moral of the story? MARK YOUR BALLS and check it BEFORE you hit. It’s not that hard, really. If Swiper can do it, then anyone can.

Speaking of ball marks, we have many GCCGL members who have consistently marked their golf balls. Many are very familiar to us but some may not be as familiar. Below is just a small sampling of a few personal ball marks from various GCCGL members. These are the “actual real” markings. 

Cupcake Syndrome Potter
Lip Gloss Snoodles Leininger

The big winners this week were The Rollin’ 60’s  and Good If It Joes who both took (23.5 pts.). The R60’s  were led by Boot Boy and PW who both  nabbed 6.5 points each while GIIJ were led by Snoodles and Cap who both grabbed (7.5 pts).  The low net winners were Snoodles (A/B) with a low net of 30! Nice round Snoodles. You should have seen Snoodles after the round. He was the “old” Danny, smiling, laughing and most importantly, drinking and having fun! He even went out after the round! Welcome back Snoodles!  Parvesse, Cap and Syndrome (C/D) all finished with a low net of 36. Congratulations to the winners! We move to the Willows front this week. We hope to see you on the course and as always, hit ’em straight!

PW – GCCGL Co-Commissioner 

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3 years ago

Check your glasses, Stableford is 6/10!

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