2012 GCCGL Season

[dc]T[/dc]he 2012 GCCGL season will begin in just a few short weeks on Thursday, April 26th! As usual, the commissioner’s office has been working hard in the off-season to ensure that the GCCGL remains the premiere golf league in Northern KY. We’ve instituted some changes that we hope will result in yet another fun-filled, competitive and entertaining season.

The biggest change this season is the addition of one additional team giving us a total of six teams for the first time in GCCGL history. The main reason for this change was the amount of  interest in full-time membership requests. We hope the daylight issue for the first few weeks will not be an issue. We’ll just have to wait and see. In order to alleviate and speed up play the first week of the season, we are starting play with a Florida Scramble. This is the first time ever that we’ve began league play with a non-match play event. We feel it will speed up play when we need it most (on the first week of the season). The first tee time is at 5:32pm. WE MUST TEE OFF ON TIME. If you are scheduled to be in the first group, PLEASE be ready to tee off at 5:32pm.

Another change has been made to the non-match play event point distribution. In the past, the difference between finishing first and last in any of these events was 20 points. Since we’ve added a sixth team, we’ve reduced the point disparity between 1st place and last place. The point distribution will be as follows:

1st – 20 pts
2nd – 17.5 pts
3rd – 14 pts
4th – 10 pts
5th – 5.5 pts
6th – 3 pts

We feel this is a fairer distribution of points and will keep teams that finished in the bottom half of the events in the race for the championship.

As you surely have noticed, we’ve been experiencing problems with the GCCGL website. The main problem is the slowness and the time-outs. I have been working with GoDaddy who is hosting the website but we haven’t really narrowed down the exact cause but I have my suspicions. I suspect the GCCGL site had too many plugins installed that became unstable. Therefore, I’m making the site more simple and have removed several features such as the Polls, Photo of the Day, Tip of the Day, Members Only (to name a few). I basically ripped all plugins out and started from scratch adding one feature back at a time. This has drastically improved the performance of the GCCGL website as of the writing of this post. I will continue to monitor the situation and add functionality one at a time until performance begins to degrade.

Also, in order to make sure we do not finish the season in the dark, we’ve reduced the GCCGL season from 18 weeks to 17 weeks by removing the 3rd week in August. This is the week by far that offers the least amount of daylight.

We’ve added a new statistic this season called the Ring of Champions. It displays all the past champions from as far back as we could find. Also a new official GCCGL Waiting List has been added. This will keep track of the folks who have requested interest in full-time membership. There is also a section that lists the Sunset times for the Northern KY region just in case you were interested. These can all be found in the Pages section of the GCCGL site.

Finally, we are hoping the site becomes a little more interactive by having our members commenting on posts and other things. We just ask that you use discretion when posting comments. This can be fun and engaging when everyone contributes. Only members will be able to enter comments. You will need to be logged in to post comments and also to post to the Shoutbox. I’m sure many of you have forgotton your passwords, if so, please select the link to reset your passwords or email me and I’ll take care of it. For the new members, please request a new account by clicking on Register at the bottom of the page. We will be posting the rest of the schedule later this month.

Get out there and start practicing! Save your scorecards and send them to Allen Bloomhuff. See you on the course!

GCCGL Co-Commissioner – George Almeida

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